Directory of Personal

     The following individuals provide administrative, utility, street, safety, and other services.   They are here to serve the Village of Navarre residents and businesses in their daily lives and endeavors.

Blake Dibell - Village Administrator 

Village Administration & 

Water Department Superintendent

27 Canal Street W.

Navarre, Ohio 44662

Phone: 330-879-2317

Cell: 330-309-5447


Chief Chad Shetler

Navarre Police Department

555 Main Street N.

Navarre, Ohio 44662

330-879-0342 x306


Dustin Taylor - Superintendent

Sewer Department

8100 Hudson Drive

Navarre, Ohio 44662



Larry Carter - Superintendent

Street Department

99 Canal Street W.

Navarre, Ohio 44662



Fiscal Officer - 

Heather Maloon - Village Secretary

Village Hall

27 Canal Street W.

Navarre, Ohio 44662



Chris Pittman - Cemetery Sexton


Marcia Comer - Cemetery Clerk



In case of any emergency please contact 911 immediately