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Newly Passed Ordinances
1-2022 Ordinance Authorizing Inspection of Under-Speen Vehicles Section 34.22
2-2022 Ordinance Regulating Under-Speed Vehicles Sect. 75.27 through 75.31
3-2022 Ordinance Request for Additional Amended Certificate
4-2022 Ordinance Authorizing Transfer of Funds within Various Authorized Categories
5-2022 Ordinance 2022 Permanent Appropriations
6-2022 Ordinance Village Employee's Salaries Wages Etc.
6A-2022 Ordinance correcting Water and Wastewater Superintendents Pay amount 2023
7-2022 Ordinance Full Time Employees Rescue Plan Act for Worker Retention Incentives
9-2022 Ordinance Granting Falcon Baseball and Softball Control of Navarre Ball Fields
10-2022 Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance Sections 151.83 adding 151.83 F and G
11-2022 Ordinance Establishing Mid's Pasta Sauce Non-Joint Fire District TIF
11A-2022 Ordinance Establishing MID's Pasta Sauce TIF
12-2022 Ordinance Establishing Prospect Park Non Joint Fire District TIF
13-2022 Ordinance Regulating Parking during Snow Emergencies Enacting New Section 76.10
14-2022 Ordinance Enacting New Section 76.11 Regulating Parking During Street Sweeping
15-2022 Ordinance Approving Re-Plat of Outlot 914 creating Outlot 918 and 919
16-2022 Ordinance Excluding Truck Traffic on Market Street Village Reg Sec 70.21
17-2022 Ordinance Limiting UJse of Fireworks within Village Enacting Regulation 91.13
18-2022 Ordinance Amending Sec 112.01 and repealing Secs 112.02 thru 112.06 of Village Regulations
19-2022 Ordinance New Section 10.20 regaarding repeat violations of notice of violation prior to Prosecution
20-2022 Ordinance Approving Nav-Stark Sanitary Sewage Agreement
20A-2022 Ordinance Appriving Navarre-Stark Sanitary Sewer Agreement
21-2022 Ordinance replat of Marty J. Miller and Andrew Byler Property
22-2022 Ordinance Accepting Alternate Formula Local Gov Assistance Funds ORC 5747.33
23-2022 Ordinance Awarding Street Reconstruction to Northstar Aspalt, INC
2-2023 Ordinance Keeping and Raising Chickens within the Village
3-2023 Ordinance approving Fiscal Officers residence outside of Village
7-2023 Ordinance Conditionally Repealing Ordinance 12-2022
10-2023 Ordinance Services that will be provided to Blough Ave Annexation
11-2023 Ordinance Services provided to Hudson Drive Annexation
13-2023 Ordinance Amending Section 76.99 Parking Offense Penalties
14-2023 Ordinance Excluding Truck Traffic on Various Village Streets
15-2023 Ordinance Accepting Annexation of Blough Ave SW Annexation Territory
16-2023 Ordinance Establishing Zoning of Blough Ave SW Annexation Territory
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