Session 13, July 10, 2023
Mayor Robert Benson called the 13th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, July 10, 2023. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Joe Kammer, Justin Cline, Molly Lehman and Josh Smith. Daniel Rouse was absent. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Police Chief Chad Shetler, Sergeant Dan and Sue Kirby, Detective Pomesky, Detective Hall, Ryan Shanower of Erie Valley Fire and Rescue, Jason Kirby and residents Scott Kirby, Chauni Skirtich, Richard and Carla Carl, Andrew Nicewander and Rhonda Nicewander.
Mr. Smith motioned to approve the minutes as corrected of the 12th Regular Session of Council held on June 19, 2023. Ms. Lehman seconded. Kammer yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Mr. Cline abstained. Three yes votes. Minutes approved. Mr. Smith motioned to nominate Carla Carl to the vacant Council Seat, created by the resignation of Abby Gallion. The term of this seat expires on 12/31/2023. Ms. Lehman seconded. Smith yes, Lehman yes, Cline yes, Kammer yes. Four yes votes. Ms. Carl appointed to Council. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mayor Benson said he is in agreement with the Nicewander’s complaint. Ms. Lehman reported she is waiting on an email response from the Property Maintenance Officer Jim Neely. Ms. Lehman reported Mr. Neely had advised it would be slow process. Ms. Nicewander complained about all of the violations on the property at 212 Park St in Navarre. Josh Smith reported they are working through the problem. POLICE SAFETY Police Chief Chad Shetler briefed Council on the monthly police report for June. Chief Shetler said they are still stopping semis on Market Street and Wooster Street. He advised the speed sign is not working properly. Chief Shetler recognized Detective Alec Hall for his recent completion of SWAT Training. Chief Shetler said he would like to have a discussion with Attorney Terry Seeberger regarding the cat situation in the Village. He would like to model Massillon’s ordinance regarding cats. Mr. Smith motioned to have Attorney Terry Seeberger draft something up regarding cats in the Village. Mr. Kammer seconded. Carl yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Lehman yes, Cline yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Lastly, Chief Shetler reported the department purchased a drone and Sergeant Kirby obtained his FAA part 107 to operate the drone. Sergeant Kirby gave a brief demonstration on how the department would use the drone. FIRE SAFETY Ryan Shanower of Erie Valley Fire and Rescue spoke about a building in the Village. FINANCE Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed reported the State Auditors are up to November on the reconciliation of 2022. She reported she is close to being up to date in the new software. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 9-2023, an ordinance authorizing a purchase offer of property 235 Canal Street East. Mr. Smith offered and moved to accept Ordinance 9-2023. Mr. Cline seconded. Lehman yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Cline yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. The first reading was given. SOLICITOR Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger said the Village is looking at bringing in parts of Pittman Park wasteland near the sewer plant. The surveyor used by the Kirby brothers will need to be used. Attorney Terry Seeberger spoke about the 629 Grant for development. MAYOR Mayor Benson said he dispersed a copy of a letter received by Brittany Richards where she requested to remove her grandmother’s painting from the Civic Center. Ms. Lehman motioned to give the painting to the family and Mr. Kammer seconded. Smith yes, Cline yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes, Lehman yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Mayor Benson mentioned he received a letter from Direction Home that he presented at the last meeting. The letter requested a donation of $1000.00. Ms. Lehman said she did some research on the organization and was pleased with what she learned. Ms. Lehman motion to make the requested donation to Direction Home and Mr. Cline seconded. Kammer yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes, Cline yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. ADMINISTATOR Administrator Zachary Wisselgren gave an update on the paving project. He said he obtained a quote to raise the dip at Park Street. Mr. Wisselgren would like to get permission for a change order so long as the mobile home park will give permission to change the direction of the water. Mr. Smith motioned to approve the change order if permission is granted by the mobile home park and Ms. Lehman seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Carl yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Wisselgren reported the credit card machine at Village Hall is up and running. He also advised the roof will be replaced on the building at the cemetery and the building out by the water plant. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Kammer questioned if there is any way an area on Elton Street near the bridge could be paved? Mr. Kammer said that residents are very pleased with the paving on Sarah Circle. Mr. Cline said there is a Village employee that asked him about a raise. He also said there is a drinking fountain at Navarre-Bethlehem Park that isn’t working. Mr. Wisselgren said the fountain hasn’t worked for quite a while. Ms. Lehman reported she received a response from Mr. Neely during the meeting. He sent her a copy of the letter that was sent to the property owner on June 13, 2023. The letter gives the homeowner thirty days to correct the violations. Attorney Terry Seeberger mentioned that after the thirty days, the Village could have the property declared a public nuisance. Ms. Lehman asked if the Village was aware that NTR Canoe Livery is using Pittman Park for a launch point. Mayor Benson said an arrangement may have been made with Stark Parks. Mr. Smith stated he included meeting minutes in the packets from the meeting that was held on Saturday with the Kirby brothers and the engineers on Thursday. He expressed he would like to schedule a Safety Committee Meeting on August 7, 2023 at 6:00 pm. He reported there is a Street and Property Maintenance Meeting scheduled on July 24, 2023 at 5:30 pm. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Kammer moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $144,908.90. Mr. Cline seconded. Lehman yes, Smith yes, Cline yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Carl seconded. Kammer yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Cline yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. ______________________________ __________________________ Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS July 24……………..………....Safety and Property Maintenance Committee Meeting 5:30 pm July 24……………..………..…......………………............................Council Meeting 7:00 pm August 7..…………..………..…......………………...........Safety Committee Meeting 6:00 pm |