Session 16, August 21, 2023
Mayor Robert Benson called the 16th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, August 21, 2023. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Joe Kammer, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse, Molly Lehman and Josh Smith. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, residents Andrew and Rhonda Nicewander, James Gray, Mark Paul, Keith & Brenda Bayer,Ron Kerby, Bill Moyers, Chauni Skirtich and Bill Miknis Jr.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION James Gray spoke regarding the truck traffic problem on Market Street. He stated it is bad and is getting worse but nothing is getting done. He suggested that we put stop signs along the street to slow down the traffic. Mayor Benson stated that stop signs can’t be used for traffic control. Josh Smith stated that the police are using their drone to capture the companies and are notifying the companies. Mark Paul lives outside the village on Fohl Street. States there is going to be a serious accident from the trucks on Fohl Street due to the truck traffic from Tractor Supply. He suggested that we stop trucks from coming in and out of TSC and make them go out of TSC the other way to Navarre Road. Keith and Brenda Bayer stated that Fohl Street is not meant for truck traffic. They do not think that trucks should be allowed to travel out Fohl St. They stated that they have talked to ODOT. They said that Stark Co Engineer’s office said that they can not lower the speed limit on that road without doing a study. Mr. Smith stated that Stark County is working on widening that road. Ron Kerby stated that he has been coming to meetings for close to two years fighting the truck problem. He stated there are 20 – 30 trucks a day driving 40 mph. Stated that he has seen police officers sitting at the church and they aren’t doing anything when the trucks drive by on Market St. Mr. Smith stated that the police have been ticketing. Ms. Lehman stated that we are doing little things such as ticketing or signs, but it may be useful if the village commissions a traffic study and maybe we could find a solution. Bill Moyers stated that the traffic is going too fast on Fohl St because the speed limit is 35 mph and they are going much faster than that. Bill Miknis stated that the police have been pulling trucks over on Wooster Street. He stated that the trucks are worried about the time it takes to get somewhere and the drivers do not care what the signs say. Andrew and Rhonda Nicewander wants to know what has been done with the property on Park St. Atty. Seeberger said he is going to be meeting with Jim Neely tomorrow and he will say something to him. FINANCE Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed reported that she is working with the State Auditors to answer questions that they have about 2022 but it is taking time because she has to look at past records to figure out the answers. Once the information that they need is provided they will be able to complete the reconciliation knowing what adjustments need to be made. Ms. Lehman asked if we are still on track to be done by the end of August. Ms. Meek-Obed stated she hopes so, but not sure. Resolution 2023-27, a resolution clarifying Ordinance 10-2023 concerning road maintenance. This has been requested by the county. Mr. Smith motioned to approve as an emergency and Ms. Lehman seconded. Rouse yes, Cline yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Kammer yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Resolution 2023-27 accepted. Ordinance 12-2023 (as revised), an ordinance enacting Regulation 90.28 which regulates cats and other domestic animals at large was given a third and final reading. Ms. Lehman motioned to approve and Mr. Smith seconded. Carl yes, Lehman yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Cline yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Ordinance 12-2023 accepted. Ordinance 13-2023 an Ordinance amending section 76.99 Parking Offense Penalties. Mr. Smith motioned to accept as first reading and Ms. Carl seconded. Mr. Kammer yes, Ms. Lehman yes, Mr. Rouse yes, Mr. Cline yes, Ms. Carl yes, Mr. Smith yes. Six yes votes. Terry stated that he has started preparing Ordinances regarding Market Street and Wooster Street for organizational liability for the companies of the truck. Mr. Smith asked the Solicitor to prepare the Ordinances for first reading for the next meeting. MAYOR Mayor Benson stated that he forgot to have the minutes from the August 7, 2023 meeting approved earlier in the meeting so he would like a motion to approve those minutes. Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2023 meeting and Ms. Carl seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Carl yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Minutes approved. Reminder that there is a Safety Committee meeting on September 18th at 6 pm. ADMINISTATOR Administrator Zachary Wisselgren stated that the engineer has completed his latest estimate for the sewer plant, $8,887,000.00. Mr. Wisselgren stated that he was asked by the Garden Club and Mr. Smith to get LED lights for the square, so he got an estimate of $1,600.00. Mr. Smith stated there are gas lights there which are going bad. Mr. Smith made a motion to move forward with changing the lights at the square and Mr. Cline seconded. Cline yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Wisselgren mentioned that the speed signs are over $3,000.00 each, so we probably want to wait till the finances are completed to purchase those. Council discussed not getting all of them but getting two right now. Ms. Lehman made the motion to purchase two speed signs now and Ms. Carl seconded. Smith yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS Ms. Carl questioned if we are meeting on the first Monday in September, the 4th, because it is Labor Day. There was discussion about this. Ms. Carl made a motion and Ms. Lehman seconded to move the September 4th meeting to Tuesday September 5th. Cline yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Carl yes, Smith yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Kammer got an estimate from T. Rowley for the landscaping work at the police station. Mayor Benson stated that the cost should come out of Buildings and Lands. Mr. Kammer made a motion and Mr. Smith seconded to move forward with the landscaping. Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes, Carl yes, Ms. Lehman yes, Cline yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Cline reported that there was a quick parks department meeting before tonight’s meeting, just to go over what is going on and will be in the coming year. Nothing really to report. Mr. Rouse reported the lights are fixed at Nickles’ Bakery, so they are happy now. Ms. Lehman asked when are the lines being painted on Canal Street. Mr. Wisselgren stated next week and they are taking out a curb and replacing it to help with the drainage. Ms. Lehman asked who cancelled “Christmas in the Village”, she said she will check on it and work on reviving VONBA (Village of Navarre Business Association). Ms. Lehman asked about the parking lot behind Rise Up Café because they have contacted her about leasing it. It was stated that the customers from the previous business just used it for parking. She also sent an email to Stark Parks about NTR doing canoe launch at Pittman Park. She reported that she is going to attend the CDBG meeting on-line this Friday morning. Mr. Smith reported that “Touch a Truck” went great and was the biggest one yet. Our police department was involved in the search for the child last night. Mr. Smith reported that we have been using our drone to tag the trucks that are going through, to send notices to the companies to let them know they are in violation of our ordinances. Mr. Smith stated that the packets for tonight’s meeting include the safety committee meeting minutes. He reported that he drafted a letter in support of the Farmer’s Market. We will talk about signage and truck traffic at our next Safety Committee meeting. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Kammer moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $502,191.16. Ms. Lehman seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Carl yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Kammer seconded. Smith yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes. Six yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. ______________________________ __________________________ Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS September 5…………………………………………………Council Meeting 7:00 pm September 18………..…......………………..........Safety Committee Meeting 6:00 pm September 18…………………………………………….…..Council Meeting 7:00 pm |