Session 7, April 1, 2019
Mayor Robert Benson called the 7th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, April 1, 2019. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Pat Winkhart, Don Berkey, Randy Hattery, Robin Keith, Daniel Rouse and Derek Netzly. Also attending the meeting were Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Navarre Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Navarre Police Chief Dennis Albaugh, Navarre Police Detective Jason Fisher, Navarre Zoning Inspector Jim Neely, Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities Superintendent Bill Green, Attorney Andy Ginella, Altercare Executive Director Sara Sonego, Scott and Diana Stamets, Independent Reporter Arezou Vakili, Sabrina Hattery and Alison Rosenberg.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 6th Regular Session of Council held on March 18, 2019. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Minutes approved.

Bill Green, Superintendent of Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities gave congratulations to Navarre for getting the Hendrickson facility. He also spoke to council about services provided for people with disabilities in Stark County.

Attorney Andy Ginella announced that he is running for Judge of the Massillon Municipal Court.

Police Chief Dennis Albaugh distributed the monthly police report to council.

Police Chief Dennis Albaugh reported that NV4 cruiser is being repaired from an accident.

Police Chief Dennis Albaugh distributed the speed sign reports to council.

Police Chief Dennis Albaugh introduced Scott Stamets to council and stated that Mr. Stamets has thirty years of law enforcement experience.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register, the financial statements for the month of March and the bills and claims.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger reported that Hendrickson is receiving a partial income tax credit from the state of Ohio and the state is helping to fund the road extension to them. We will enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement with them, but we cannot act on it until April 8th. Hendrickson will receive 60% property tax abatement for ten years. A Job Creation Agreement will be signed by Mayor Benson. This agreement provides Hendrickson a 60% tax credit for ten years on income tax revenue. Set forth by the Ohio Revised Code, the school district is eligible to recoup to make up for lost property tax revenue. Attorney Seeberger stated that once the first development goes into an industrial park, it becomes easier to bring in more. Attorney Seeberger prepared a Clean Water Act Amendment application for Prospect Park. Mr. Netzly motioned to approve the mayor’s signature to the amendment. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried.

Ms. Winkhart reported that the Street Committee met prior to the council meeting and discussed Ordinance 6-2019, an ordinance restricting snow, grass and leaves onto streets and neighboring properties. No action was taken at that time on the snow ban.

Ordinance 6-2019, an ordinance restricting snow, grass and leaves onto streets and neighboring properties. Ms. Winkhart motioned to approve Ordinance 6-2019. Ms. Keith seconded to approve Ordinance 6-2019. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. The first reading was given.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported today was the first day of brush pick-up.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren said three catch basins are in need of repair.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren advised that we need to finish the rest of the storm sewer line on Basin Street.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported that the sewer trunk line is going to be inspected to see how much infiltration there is from Nickles Bakery to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported the need for a booster station at Prospect Park to increase the water pressure.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported the Park clean-up day is scheduled for this Saturday, April 6.

Ms. Winkhart reviewed what was discussed at the Street Committee Meeting held prior to the council meeting and she said a bush needs trimmed at the corner of Wooster Street and Park Street. Also discussed at the meeting was that Ohio Street is to be paved, followed by Basin Street. Grinding will be done on Keeferview Street in an attempt to repair.

Ms. Winkhart made mention of the tax meetings to be held on April 10th at 1.00 pm and 7:00 pm at the Civic Center.

Ms. Winkhart reported that she has a speaker for the Memorial Day parade program.

Mr. Berkey said the drinking fountain at the Civic Center needs attention.

Mr. Berkey advised there are junk vehicles at 226 4th Street. He would like to see the police enforcing the ordinance regarding junk vehicles.

Mr. Hattery reported that road needs repaired in front of the pits at Nickles Bakery.

Mr. Hattery also advised he would like to change the council meeting nights to Tuesday evenings. Please consider this for a vote at the next meeting, as two councilmembers have work schedule changes.

Ms. Keith advised there is a Tree Committee Meeting with Zachary Wisselgren on Monday, April 8th at 6:30 pm, followed by a Special Council Meeting at 7:00 pm.

Mr. Netzly reported that the garbage ordinance is not being enforced. He said that trucks are coming in at 4:00 am and he urged the police to enforce the ordinance.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $167,719.81. Mr. Hattery seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Berkey moved. Mr. Netzly seconded to adjourn the meeting. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Meeting adjourned.

____________________________ ____________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor

April 6…............………………………………………...Village/Park Clean-Up 9:00 am
April 8…............……………………..……………….Tree Committee Meeting 6:30 pm
April 8............................................................................Special Council Meeting 7:00 pm
April 10..…............………………………………….…….……… Tax Meeting 1:00 pm
April 10..…............………………………………….…….……… Tax Meeting 7:00 pm
April 15......................................................................................Council Meeting 7:00 pm