Session 8, April 15, 2019
Mayor Robert Benson called the 8th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, April 15, 2019. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Pat Winkhart, Don Berkey, Randy Hattery, Robin Keith, Daniel Rouse and Derek Netzly. Also attending the meeting were Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Navarre Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Navarre Zoning Inspector Jim Neely, Erie Valley Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Annen, Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board Member Vicki Owen-Merry, Independent Reporter Arezou Vakili, and Victoria Kilgore.

Ms. Keith moved to approve the minutes of the 7th Regular Session of Council held on April 1, 2019. Mr. Hattery seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Minutes approved.

Ms. Winkhart moved to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on April 8, 2019. Mr. Rouse seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Minutes approved.

Victoria Kilgore expressed the need for a handicapped parking spot on Canal Street, in front of the Antique Mill. Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren has been trying to work with the business owner on same. Mayor Benson stated he would like the Street Committee to work with Zachary Wisselgren on this.

Vicky Owen-Merry reported the Easter Egg Hunt went well. There were between 125-150 kids present. Vicky Owen-Merry requested an additional $350.00 donation. She advised there will be two movie nights at the park and that there is a $500.00 fee to show the movies. Mr. Netzly motioned to approve the additional $350.00 donation to the Park Board. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion Carried.

Erie Valley Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Annen distributed the monthly fire report to council.

Chief Rick Annen explained the process involved in testing for promotions to council.

Chief Rick Annen reported that Ryan Shanower, Colin Trout and Jim Wells were recently promoted. He stated the department currently has 32 members.

Chief Rick Annen advised that fire inspections continue.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register and the bills and claims.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger reported he is in the process of updating the parking ordinance, Ordinance 9-2019, for council’s review.

Ordinance 6-2019, an ordinance restricting snow, grass and leaves onto streets and neighboring properties, was given a second reading by title only.

Mayor Robert Benson reported the ground breaking for Hendrickson USA will be held on April 16th at 10:00 am.

Mayor Benson stated that Navarre Police Chief Dennis Albaugh has requested amending Ordinance 1-2018, our parking ordinance, because it does not contain the verbiage “no parking on street over 72 hours”.

Mayor Benson advised he was contacted by the Massillon Building Inspector asking if Navarre would have any interest in contracting with them to do new building inspections. Canal Fulton currently has a contract with Massillon. No action taken.

Mayor Benson had been asked about moving the Village Council meetings from the first and third Mondays to the first and third Tuesdays. Mr. Hattery motioned to vote, Mr. Rouse seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey no, Hattery no, Keith no, Rouse yes, Netzly no. Four no votes. Two yes votes. Motion failed.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren spoke on Ordinance 7-2017 which was passed to lower the speed limit on Hudson from 55 mph to 40 mph. Since we have annexed the park, we can make it 25 mph in the Village limits. Mr. Netzly motioned to partition the state to lower the speed limit. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren warned that brush pickup is for brush and is not intended for vegetation and leaves.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren advised that the paving contractor is still looking at the end of the month.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported that the sewer trunk line could not be seen by camera. There was too much water in the line. They will come back in the summer to try again.

The first street sweep in the Village is scheduled for April 24, 2019.

Don Dummermuth has prepared bid information for the booster station to increase water pressure in the industrial park for fire suppression equipment.

Mr. Netzly suggested we look into licensing rental properties so that we can have fire inspections. Mayor Benson requested this go to a committee meeting. After some discussion, it was decided to have a Council of the Whole meeting on May 6th at 6:00 pm to discuss.

Mr. Hattery reported that the Buildings and Land Committee met prior to the Council Meeting at the Civic Center. The Civic Center building needs some work. Mr. Hattery listed a new front door, windows, full size refrigerator. Also, the cabinet needs moved to the basement. The light in the kitchen needs replaced as well as the ceiling tile in the kitchen. He also said the entrance way ceiling and paneling needs painted. The floor needs polished. The bathroom door needs a lock and the door at the Fire Department entrance needs painted.
Mr. Netzly said some residents have asked about getting water and sewer to Shadow Lawn Allotment. Mayor Benson hopes this will happen in the future.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $68,619.15. Ms. Keith seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Berkey moved. Mr. Netzly seconded to adjourn the meeting. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Hattery yes, Keith yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Meeting adjourned.

____________________________ ____________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor

May 6…….........................................................................Council of the Whole 6:00 pm
May 6….…............………………………………….…….…..Council Meeting 7:00 pm