Session 11, June 3, 2019
Mayor Robert Benson called the 11th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, June 3, 2019. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Benson read a letter of resignation from Randy Hattery:
“Please let the letter serve as my official resignation from Village Council effective immediately. I wish the Village and the remaining council members well in their future endeavors. Sincerely, Randal G. Hattery” Members answering roll call were Pat Winkhart, Don Berkey, Daniel Rouse and Derek Netzly. Robin Keith was excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Navarre Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Police Chief Dennis Albaugh, Police Captain Chad Shetler, Alex Shetler, Detective Jason Fisher, Patrolman Dave Bertman and family, Auxiliary Officer Dan Kirby, Suzanne Kirby, Jordan Starcher and family, Zoning Inspector Jim Neely and Independent Reporter Eric Poston. Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 10th Regular Session of Council held on May 20, 2019. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Minutes approved. SAFETY POLICE Police Chief Dennis Albaugh distributed the monthly report to Council. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh commented with school being out, curfew will be strictly enforced. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh stated the new truck is here and more parts are needed. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh advised the police have moved into the new building and work continues there on the phones. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh thanked T. Rowley for mowing and landscaping at the new building at no charge. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh reported the signs for the new building will be here by the end of the month. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh accepted a resignation from full-time Patrolman Mitch King. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh requested the promotion of Dan Kirby from auxiliary unit to full-time patrolman, replacing Patrolman Mitch King. Mayor Benson appointed Dan Kirby to Navarre Police Department full-time and requested Council’s consent. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Appointment carried. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh requested the appointment of Jordan Starcher to Navarre Police Department Auxiliary Unit. Mayor Benson appointed Patrolman Jordan Starcher to Navarre Police Department Auxiliary Unit and requests Council’s consent. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Appointment carried. Police Chief Dennis Albaugh requested the promotion of Patrolman David Bertman to Sergeant of Navarre Police Department. Mayor Benson appointed Patrolman David Bertman to Sergeant and requested Council’s consent. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Appointment carried. Mayor Benson swore in Patrolmen Jordan Starcher and Dan Kirby. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave Council the bills and claims, a copy of today’s check register and the May financial statements. MAYOR Mayor Robert Benson advised he would forward information regarding the Stark County Housing Rehabilitation Program to the Zoning Inspector and Property Maintenance Committee. Mayor Robert Benson gave condolence to the Fisher family on the loss of Detective Fisher’s mother. Mayor Robert Benson distributed to Council copies of the Stark County Health District Mosquito Spraying Agreement. Mayor Robert Benson announced that the Erie Valley Fire and Rescue Annual Golf Outing will now be referred to as the Amy Cupples Memorial Golf Outing. STREETS AND ALLEYS Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported that June 18th is the date set for the first mosquito spraying in the Village. UTILITIES The Water Treatment Department repaired a leak and storm sewer on Sisterhen Street. MISCELLANEOUS The yard waste pit at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is open Monday – Friday from 7:30am to 3pm, weekends and holidays from 8:30 am to 11am. Ms. Winkhart thanked everyone for their help with the Memorial Day Parade. Mayor Benson complimented Ms. Winkhart for all of her hard work on the parade. The St. Clements Festival dates are June 6th through June 9th. Mr. Berkey mentioned that some people are interested in getting together at the Civic Center to play cards. Mr. Berkey stated that a washing machine has been sitting out on 4th Street for a month. Mr. Neely reported he is working with the property owner to get a truck removed from the property. Mr. Rouse mentioned there will be Music in the Park by Tim and TJ Gang, this Sunday from 2-6pm. Mr. Rouse stated there is brush behind the garage at the property located at 260 Jacob Street. A motor home has been sitting on the property for four years, and that there is a truck parked on the property bearing no tag. Mr. Netzly reported that there is overgrown vegetation and cars parked on the property located at 81 Ohio Street. Mr. Netzly advised he knows of a young man who needs an Eagle Scout Project and suggested that he could do the upgrade work at the Civic Center as his project. Mr. Netzly stated the vacant council seat needs to be advertised and letters of interest for same need to be received by June 21st. Council of the Whole will meet on June 24th at 6:00 pm to review the letters of interest and to interview potential council members. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $249,754.62. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Mr. Berkey moved. Mr. Netzly seconded to adjourn the meeting. Winkhart yes, Berkey yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ____________________________ ____________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS June 17.………………………………………………………...Council Meeting 7:00 pm |