Session 16, August 19, 2024

Mayor Justin Cline called the 16th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, August 19, 2024.  Mayor Cline began the meeting by asking Councilperson Josh Smith to say a prayer, then led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.  This public meeting is being recorded.  Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Joe Kammer, Abigail Caldwell, Daniel Rouse, and Josh Smith. Molly Lehman was absent. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Administrator Blake Dibell and Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger.

Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the 15th session of council held on August 5, 2024 and Mr. Kammer seconded. Smith yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes. Five yes votes.  Motion carried.  Minutes approved.

Mayor Cline recognized the Fairless 18U softball team by reading a proclamation honoring them for recently winning a two-day tournament.  Pictures of the softball team were taken and each member of the team was presented a copy of the proclamation.


Meredith Blackwood asked what she would have to do and if she could have an October Fest in the parking lot that she owns across from her business on Main Street.  She wants to have vendors and food trucks (one of which may be serving alcohol), so she was asking if there is any kind of permit that she would need to get and if she is allowed to hold this October Fest.  There was some discussion, then council gave her permission to have the October Fest and it was determined that she doesn’t need to get any type of permit as long as all of the vendors and food/beverage trucks have the required permits needed to operate their businesses.  The October Fest will be held October 5th, time to be determined.

Motion was made by Mr. Kammer and seconded by Ms. Carl to allow Merchants on Main to have an October Fest on October 5th, 2024.  Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion passed.

Sylvia Kmatz came to ask about the survey she received in the mail regarding what kind of water lines come into your house.  Mr. Dibell explained that the surveys are a requirement of the EPA and explained how to determine the type of lines that residents have and how to complete the survey.


Ms. Kim Meek-Obed said she doesn’t have much to report.  She reported that there was a Finance Committee meeting on Monday, August 12th and the committee worked on getting pay raises and a new pay ordinance figured out.  She stated that Ms. Lehman had asked if she could get some numbers/costs of certain pay increases worked up by this meeting but she reported that she had been off a day and a half and didn’t have anything worked up yet at this point.  She reported that the payment to Wichert Insurance on the Bills & Claims list is the annual property and liability insurance premium payment that just renewed.


Mr. Seeberger presented Ordinance 12-2024 for final reading.  This ordinance establishes spending limits for certain village positions.

Mr. Smith made a motion to have final reading and passage of Ordinance 12-2024 to establish spending limits in the village.  Mr. Kammer seconded.  Rouse yes, Smith yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes. Five yes votes.  Ordinance passed.

Mr. Seeberger presented Ordinance 13-2024, an ordinance entering into an Agreement for Inspection and Construction Management of Navarre WWTP.  He explained that this needs to

be passed as an emergency because of the deadline to have this agreement completed.

Mr. Smith made a motion to pass Ordinance 13-2024, an ordinance to approve the Agreement for Inspection and Construction Management of Navarre WWTP as an emergency. Mr. Rouse seconded.  Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes.  Five yes votes.  Ordinance passed.

Mr. Seeberger presented Resolution 2024-17, which has previously had several readings but Ms. Lehman was getting more information and since she is not here this evening, this will be handled at the next meeting.

Mr. Seeberger presented Resolution 2024-18, a resolution adopting fees and charges for the cemetery.

Ms. Carl made a motion to have the third reading and passage of Resolution 2024-18 and Mr. Smith seconded.  Carl yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes.  Five yes votes.  Resolution passed.

Mr. Seeberger stated that we need to get the positions filled on the Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Committee. We will also need to get a meeting set because there is a property split that will be presented soon.


Mr. Blake Dibell reported that the playground equipment was installed and there were actually kids playing on it today.

Mr. Dibell reported that Mr. Dummermuth was at the sewer plant today working with Dustin Taylor on some of the plans for the WWTP project.

Mr. Dibell asked Mr. Kammer if he has had a chance to talk to Scott Borovich regarding his interest in the Zoning Inspector position.  He said he would talk to him again.

Mr. Dibell reported that he will not be able to be at the next council meeting.

Mr. Dibell reported that the basketball hoops should be installed in September.


Mayor Justin Cline reported that he has been getting emails asking if residents could put solar panels on their residences.  Mr. Seeberger stated that there isn’t anything on the books right now.

Mayor Cline reminded everyone that the next council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday that week.  Mr. Seeberger stated that he may be a little late as he has Strasburg meeting that day at 6:00 pm.


Carla Carl reported that the community garden is doing well.  She also said that she is looking into a “hide & seek” game to go along with trick-or-treat.  She will get more info about it and let council know.  Council agreed it was worth looking into and she will get more info.

Joe Kammer just reminded that the next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30 pm.

Mr. Rouse reported that there is a dead tree at the corner of Jacob & Market Street that has branches falling and it is where kids stand waiting for the bus.  He asked if we can send a letter to the owners to do something with the tree.  Mr. Seeberger stated that he will get a letter drafted.

Mr. Smith reported that the Finance Committee did meet and are working on the pay ordinance and that work will continue.  He also reported that the Finance Committee decided not to re-submit the ODNR grant because it would make the village’s share too much.  Mr. Smith asked if there is anything we need to do with the indigent burial information that was given to the council members.  Ms. Meek-Obed reported that Mary Mackey had left that material for the council members because she has been working with funeral homes and the local nursing home to get information so that we can get a plan developed to follow when an indigent resident dies.  Mr. Seeberger stated what we will need to do to put a procedure in place so that it is on record what needs to be done.


Mr. Smith made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims and Mr. Rouse seconded. Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Carl yes, Kammer.  Five yes votes.  Motion passed.

Ms. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Kammer seconded. Carl yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.

______________________________                        __________________________   

Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer                             Justin G. Cline, Mayor

Next Council Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday, September 3, 2024 @ 7:00pm

Finance Committee Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 6:30pm

Coffee with Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, September 28, 2024 9:00 – 11:00 am

Trick-or-Treat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thursday, October 31, 2024, 6:00 – 7:00 pm