Session 16, September 20, 2021
Mayor Benson called the 16th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, September 20, 2021. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Joe Kammer, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse, Josh Smith and Derek Netzly. Pat Winkhart was excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, John Nedelk, Matthew Nedelk, Robin Keith and Gary Wilson. Josh Smith was in attendance via Zoom. Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 15th Session of Council held on August 16, 2021. Mr. Cline seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION John and Matthew Nedelk are operating a car restoration business in the old mattress shop. Complaints have been received and taken up with Village Zoning Inspector Jim Neely. The cars have been covered up and Council agrees that the property now looks better. Robin Keith, who lives at 29 Ohio Street in Navarre, brought pictures of 42 Ohio Street. She reported there being trash, weeds and commodes at the property and also said the grass has not been mowed at that residence since July 5, 2021. Mayor Benson advised he spoke with the Property Maintenance Officer Jim Neely about this property. Attorney Terry Seeberger advised he will follow-up and file charges if needed. Gary Wilson, who resides at 46 Canal Street West in Navarre, stated he appreciates the improvements that have been made at Underwood Park. He also stated that Stark Parks is not maintaining the trail and that a split rail fence needs repaired or replaced between Elton and State Route 62, and State Route 62 and State Route 21. Also, he remarked that there is a section of black top that has sunk down in, reporting it has been in that condition for over a year. SAFETY POLICE The monthly Police Report was distributed to Council. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson distributed to Council a copy of today’s check register, the August financial statement, the Alternative Tax Budget for the County and the bills and claims. She also shared with Council a letter from the YMCA about updating the sign on Market Street and a letter from the Fairless Food Cupboard regarding their annual toy drive. Mr. Netzly motioned to donate $1,000.00 to the Fairless Food Cupboard for the annual toy drive and Mr. Kammer seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. SOLICITOR Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger stated Jim Neely always consults with him before sending any correspondence. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 10-2021, a previously tabled ordinance amending Zoning Code new section 151.43, regulating marijuana related uses, no action taken. Resolution 2021-10, a resolution authorizing payment of United Earthworks Pay Application #4. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Resolution 2021-10. Mr. Rouse seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Resolution 2021-10 accepted. Resolution 2021-11, a resolution authorizing the agreement with Stark Parks Permanent Trailhead Easement with changes. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Resolution 2021-11. Mr. Smith seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Resolution 2021-11 accepted. MAYOR Mayor Benson reported that himself along with Council and Village Officials join the Navarre community in wishing Ruby Rogers a Happy Birthday. Ruby celebrated her one-hundredth birthday on September 12, 2021. Mayor Benson advised Mr. Wisselgren is getting a quote on extending the fence line on the west side of North Street Park onto the YMCA leased property. He also spoke of complaints that have been received regarding the condition of the landscaping at the police station. Mr. Smith motioned to accept an estimate for the cost of the yardwork at the police station and Mr. Netzly seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Lastly, Mayor Benson suggested October 28, 2021 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm be set for Trick-or-Treat in the Village. Mr. Cline motioned to approve October 28, 2021 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm as Trick-or-Treat in the Village of Navarre. Mr. Rouse seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Netzly said he has received complaints about a property on Park Street and also about a house for sale on Bender Street that has not been mowed. Mr. Rouse reported he spoke to Jim Neely about his neighbor’s property. He said there needs to be a Property Maintenance Committee Meeting and also questioned when paving in the Village will begin. Mr. Kammer reported a large pothole at the end of the driveway of the property located at 214 High Street in Navarre. Mr. Smith wants to prepare a letter on behalf of Council to Commissioner Richard Regula regarding the update to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. He also said a letter needs to be send to Roy Williams, who is coming into the Village late at night, without a permit. Police need to make contact. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $327,817.14. Mr. Smith seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Mr. Kammer moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Rouse seconded. Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ______________________________ __________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS October 4….…………..……………………Planning Commission & Hearing 6:00 pm October 4….….……………………….……………………...Council Meeting 7:00 pm |