Session 3, March 6, 2017
Mayor Robert Benson called the 3rd Regular Session of Council to order on March 6, 2017. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Derek Netzly, Daniel Rouse, Robin Keith, Gary Wilson, Ray Gallaher and Pat Winkhart. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Administrator Jeff Seward, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger.
Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 2nd Regular Session of Council held on February 6, 2017. Mr. Rouse seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Minutes approved. SAFETY POLICE The Navarre Police Department monthly report was distributed to council before the meeting. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council her February financial statements and a copy of today’s check register. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 3-2017, Permanent appropriations for 2017, was given a second reading by title only. Ordinance 6-2017, an ordinance to vacate an unimproved alley for the installation of a MCTV Fiber Optic Cabinet, to be passed as an emergency. Ms. Winkhart offered and moved to accept Ordinance 6-2017 and declaring same to be an emergency. Mr. Netzly seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried, Ordinance accepted. Ordinance 6-2017, Mr. Wilson moved, Mr. Gallaher seconded rules requiring three separate readings of Ordinance 6-2017 be suspended. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Rules requiring three separate readings suspended. Ordinance 6-2017, Mr. Gallaher moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded Ordinance 6-2017 be placed in final passage. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Ordinance 6-2017 duly adopted. Ordinance 7-2017, an ordinance authorizing change of speed limit on part of Hudson Drive, to be passed as an emergency. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Ordinance 7-2017 and declaring same to be an emergency. Ms. Keith seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Ordinance accepted. Ordinance 7-2017, Mr. Wilson moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded rules requiring three separate readings of Ordinance 7-2017 be suspended. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Ordinance 7-2017, Mr. Gallaher moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded Ordinance 7-2017 be placed in final passage. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Ordinance 7-2017 duly adopted. Ordinance 8-2017, an ordinance authorizing transfer of fire and rescue equipment to Navarre-Bethlehem Joint Fire District and declared an emergency. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Ordinance 8-2017 and declaring same to be an emergency. Ms. Keith seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher abstained, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Ordinance 8-2017, Mr. Rouse moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded rules requiring three separate reading of Ordinance 8-2017 be suspended. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher abstained, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Rules requiring three separate readings suspended. Ordinance 8-2017, Ms. Winkhart moved, Mr. Wilson seconded Ordinance 8-2017 be placed in final passage. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher abstained, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Ordinance 8-2017 duly adopted. Mayor Benson requested Council’s motion opposing State of Ohio proposed 2017-2018 budget, which proposes centralized collection of Net Profit Returns. If so moved, Mayor Benson will forward Navarre’s opposition to State Representative Kirk Schuring and Senator Scott Oelslager. Resolution 2017-1, a resolution expressing Council’s opposition to proposed legislation being considered by the Ohio General Assembly to centralize collection of Municipal Net Profit Taxes. Mr. Gallaher moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded to accept Resolution 2017-1. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2017-1 accepted. Resolution 2017-2, a resolution authorizing Village Administrator and Clerk-Treasurer to make disbursement to Stark Board of Trade LLC pursuant to cooperative development agreement. Mr. Gallaher moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded to accept Resolution 2017-2. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2017-2 accepted. MAYOR Mayor Benson shared a thank you card with council from the Gang family. They had sent it in praise of Navarre Police Sergeant Chad Shetler for going above and beyond. STREETS AND ALLEYS The yard waste pit at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. and weekends and holidays from 8:30 A.M. through 11:00 A.M. The Administrator would like to use the Midwest Paving analyses for $2500.00 as a planning tool to use on estimates on the Village streets and alleys. The speed limit on Hudson Drive was changed by ordinance to 40 Mph as proposed by the County. Six locations were chosen for the speed signs so three additional brackets were ordered. The street sweeping proposal for 2017 was received from Reilly Sweeping. Price of $7,972.00 for all five sweeps is a 1.89% increase over last year’s prices. The Administrator will send proposed dates as well as SWMP third party agreement with signed contract with Council’s consent. UTILITIES Harvestable timber from the pipeline easement on the Day Avenue property will be stacked on flat, dry ground for the Village after the Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent met with Kinder Morgan representatives. Portable toilets ordered for ball fields and parks for the season. The SWMP rewrite is still not complete. Water Plant Expansion Project: A pay meeting was held March 2, 2017. There are issues currently in scheduling due to some electrical items that are on order. Maguire Iron, Inc. again requested stop work order. Don Dummermuth will again send them a letter stating the Village’s refusal to such until proof of a justifiable cause is given. MISCELLANEOUS Upcoming reports and submittals include: SWMP annual report, SWMP rewrite. A JRS grant reimbursement of just over $900,000.00 was received and Village Council needs to approve reimbursements to the Stark Board of Trade, LLC for development work done to Prospect Park in the amount of $179,586.82 The Job Ready Site and 629 annual reports were submitted. The March monthly department head meeting with the Mayor will be March 9, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. Request for finance committee meeting to go over an immediate change to the pay ordinance and discuss long term budgetary planning issues and set up time frame for potential pay raises. Committee decided on March 20, 2017 at 6:00P.M. Interviews completed, new hire starting the week of March 13, 2017. Heather Maloon to replace Mary Mackey who is retiring on April 30, 2017. Jeff Seward would like to contact MCTV about running fiber optic lines from the fiber optic box to Village Hall, then out to all of the departments. Ms. Winkhart moved, Ms. Keith seconded to have the Administrator work with MCTV on getting fiber optics to the Village Departments. (This was done prior to passing Ordinance 6-2017.) Mr. Wilson stated that he thought the gazebo and the pavilion look nice. He would like some new park equipment at Underwood Park. Mr. Gallaher made the comment that commercial garbage trucks are damaging the alleys. Bolivar has an ordinance that commercial trucks stay on streets and don’t use the alleys. Mayor Benson encourages residents with older homes to get their plumbing checked before Navarre pressurizes the new water tower. BILLS AND CLAIMS Ms. Keith moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $231,160.86. Mr. Rouse seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Mr. Netzly moved, Mr. Gallaher seconded to adjourn the meeting. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Meeting cancelled. ____________________________ ____________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor |