Session 15, September 18,2017
Mayor Robert Benson called the 15th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, September 18, 2017. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Derek Netzly, Daniel Rouse, Gary Wilson, Ray Gallaher and Pat Winkhart. Robin Keith was excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Fairless Softball Coach AJ Sarbaugh, Bob and Mandi Sponseller, Doug Six, YMCA CEO Jim Stanford, John and Kathy Shultz of Farmers National Bank, Navarre Police Chief Dennis Albaugh, Alivia Albaugh, Jason Crawford and Independent Reporter Mindy Lenigan. Ms. Winkhart moved to approve the minutes of the 14th Regular Session of Council held on August 21, 2017. Mr. Gallaher seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes. Five yes votes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Doug Six explained to council the expansion project of the softball dugout at Fairless High School. A press box will be built above the dugout. Many donations of material and labor have been received, but the project could use some cash. Mr. Netzly motioned and Mr. Gallaher seconded to donate $1000 for the project. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion approved. John Shultz explained the refinance of debt plan for the Western Stark County YMCA buildings; twenty years with a fixed rate for the first five years. SAFTEY POLICE Navarre Police Chief Dennis Albaugh distributed the monthly report to council. Chief Albaugh stated that being involved with the task force helped in the arrest of Charles Burdge when he fled to Florida. Chief Albaugh gave a huge thanks to Erie Valley Fire Chief Rick Annen for getting three AED defibrillators for the police cars. Chief Albaugh introduced Jason Crawford to council. Crawford has served seventeen years in law enforcement and would like to be an Auxiliary Officer. Mayor Benson appointed and requested council’s consent. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Appointment approved. Mayor Benson swore in Officer Crawford. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson distributed a copy of August financial statements and a copy of today’s check register to council. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution 2017-15, a resolution authorizing Village of Navarre to execute landlord’s estoppel certificate and consent to assignment of lease-hold interest in favor of the Farmers National Bank, and for the benefit of the YMCA of Western Stark County. Mr. Netzly moved. Mr. Gallaher seconded to accept Resolution 2017-15. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes. Ms. Winkhart abstained. Four yes votes. Resolution 2017-15 accepted. Ordinance 15-2017, an ordinance amending Navarre tax regulations and enacting Regulation 97.40. Village Solicitor-Attorney Terry Seeberger suggested the ordinance be tabled due to more potential changes from the state. Mr. Gallaher offered and Ms. Winkhart seconded to table the ordinance. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Ordinance tabled. Ordinance 16-2017, an ordinance amending Navarre Pay Ordinances. Mr. Netzly moved to accept Ordinance 16-2017. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. The first reading was given. SOLICITOR Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger advised he sent a certified letter to the property owner of 239 Park St in Navarre. Mr. Netzly reported that a letter needs to be sent to another property in the village, 123 Park St, which is owned by the same individual. MAYOR Mayor Benson advised that he received a letter from Pete Elliott of the US Marshal Northern District of Ohio regarding US Marshals Service 36th Annual Director’s Award for the “Distinguished Group Award” for outstanding Fugitive Task Force. Navarre Police Chief Dennis Albaugh is a member of the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force. These awards are the highest honors granted by the United States Marshals Service nationally to recognize exemplary performance. Mayor Benson reported that he along with Terry Seeberger, Mr. Netzly and Ms. Winkhart will meet with Janet Talbot on Thursday at 5:30 pm to discuss the sale of property from the Historical Society. Mayor Benson advised that Fairless Food Cupboard has asked for a donation for their annual toy distribution. Mr. Netzly motioned to donate $1000. Mr. Gallaher seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Mayor Benson reported that Village Administrator Jeff Seward recommends updating the camera system at Navarre-Bethlehem Park. A proposal was submitted from Securi-Com for $4298. Mr. Netzly moved. Mr. Wilson seconded to accept the proposal. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Proposal accepted. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Wilson gave thanks to Jim Urbach and Scott Baker for installing the spring riders at Underwood Park. Mr. Wilson reported that the tennis courts at Underwood Park need to be repaired. Mr. Wilson advised a letter needs to be sent to 47 Canal Street regarding the property maintenance code. Ms. Winkhart announced the Night of Hope will be held on November 4, 2017 and Sam Rutiguiano will be there for a meet and greet. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Wilson moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $672,493.50. Mr. Netzly seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Mr. Netzly moved. Mr. Gallaher seconded to adjourn the meeting. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ___________________________ _________________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor
UPCOMING EVENTS October 2….........................................................................Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M. October 10…………………………………...………Crime Watch Meeting at 6:00 P.M.