Session 4, February 20, 2023
Mayor Robert Benson called the 4th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, February 20, 2023. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Abby Gallion, Joseph Kammer, Daniel Rouse and Josh Smith. Justin Cline was excused from the meeting and Molly Lehman arrived after roll call was taken. Also attending the meeting were Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren and Keith Hancock and Renee Veselenak of Main Street Deli.
Mr. Smith motioned to approve the minutes of the 3rd Regular Session of Council held on February 6, 2023. Mr. Kammer seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Keith Hancock and Renee Veselenak spoke about the costs to rebuild the deli and their interest in putting storage units on their back property. Attorney Terry Seeberger suggested they apply for a rezone to B2. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2-2023, an ordinance establishing truck routes through the Village of Navarre. Mr. Smith moved to accept Ordinance 2-2023. Ms. Gallion seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Motion carried. The first reading was given. Per Resolution 2023-8, a resolution establishing the position of Fiscal Officer, Mayor Benson requested Council’s consent to hire Kim Meek-Obed for the position. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Consent given. Kim Meek-Obed hired effective February 27,2023 per ORC 735.273. SOLICITOR Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger said the design loan application will be submitted on March 1, 2023. He said Pam Ewing from R-CAP will need to be involved for the construction loan. MAYOR Mayor Robert Benson said he received a letter of gratitude from the Salvation Army Fairless Service Unit regarding the $1000.00 donation. He also advised he needs to make the reservation for all planning to attend the Regional Planning Commission dinner. ADMINISTRATOR Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren presented quotes for new accounting and payroll software. The Village may need to get a new computer to support new software. He said more signs are coming in and that one will be placed on the curve of Fohl that reads “trucks entering the road in 1500 feet”. Mr. Wisselgren gave Council a copy of the street-sweep schedule. He mentioned the Northstar Contract will need to be signed by the Fiscal Officer. Lastly he discussed water minimum rates and suggested rates be looked at. MISCELLANEOUS Ms. Gallion confirmed the Village garage sales will be held May 18 -20, 2023. Mr. Kammer advised Fohl United Methodist Church would like to have their spaghetti dinner advertised on the Civic Center sign. Ms. Lehman reported the Farm Preservation Meeting had a great turnout of about forty people. She questioned if residents are permitted to have chickens and suggested the Village create a policy for such. Ms. Lehman would also like to schedule another “Coffee with Council” on Saturday, April 15,2023. Mr. Smith said the Finance Committee drafted a new pay ordinance that he is asking Council to review for consideration. He said Captain Shetler made a recommendation for his officers. He advised the Street Committee has drafted letter and requests the general consent of Council to send out the letter addressing increased truck traffic and merge areas on the North end of town. Ms. Gallion motioned to approve the letter and Ms. Lehman seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Consent granted. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Kammer moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $43,309.97. Ms. Gallion seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Ms. Gallion moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Lehman seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ______________________________ __________________________ Terrence L. Seeberger, Solicitor Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS March 6.... ….…………….…....…………….….........Street Committee Meeting 6:15 pm March 6…......…..……………..…....……………..…..................Council Meeting 7:00 pm March 13….....…..……………..…....…..........Public Meeting at the Civic Center 6:30 pm March 20….....…..……………..…....……………..….................Council Meeting 7:00 pm |