Session 9, May 1, 2023

Mayor Robert Benson called the 9th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, May 1, 2023.  Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  This public meeting is being recorded.  Members answering roll call were Joseph Kammer, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse, Molly Lehman and Josh Smith.  Abby Gallion was excused from the meeting.  Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Police Chief Chad Shetler, Sergeant Daniel Kirby and wife Sue, Detective Alec Hall, Jeff Masters and family, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Vicki Owen-Merry of the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board, and residents Chauni Skirtich and Scott Kirby.

 Mr. Smith motioned to approve the minutes of the 8th Regular Session of Council held on April 17, 2023.  Mr. Kammer seconded.  Smith yes, Lehman yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Kammer yes.  Five yes votes.  Minutes approved.


Police Chief Chad Shetler introduced Jeff Masters to Council and requested Mayor Benson appoint Jeff Masters to the Navarre Police Auxiliary Unit.  Mayor Benson appointed Jeff Masters to the Navarre Police Auxiliary Unit and requested Councils’ consent.  Ms. Lehman motioned to approve the appointment and Mr. Smith seconded.  Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion carried.  Mayor Benson administered the Oath of Office to Officer Masters.  Chief Chad Shetler went over the monthly report with Council. 


Vicky Owen-Merry of the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board thanked Council for their donation for the Easter Egg Hunt.  She advised the pavilion will be rekeyed and keys will be distributed to the Village.  She discussed scholarships offered by the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board and lastly discussed the changes that will be made with the grant approval.


Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed distributed a list of the bills and claims to Council.  Ms. Meek-Obed reported what she is currently working on she is working to get 2023 entered into the new software program.  She ran the first payroll today in the new system.  She has not heard from the Auditors.  She mentioned a thank you was received from the Stark County Educational Service Center for the donation made for the coffee shop. 


Ordinance 2-2023, an ordinance enacting Regulation 151.32 Keeping and Raising Chickens within the Village.  Cline yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes.  Five yes votes.  The second reading was given. 

 Resolution 2023-4A, a resolution authorizing the second of ten tax payments be made to Perry Local School District, to be passed as an emergency.   Mr. Smith motioned to approve Resolution 20234A and Mr. Kammer seconded.  Smith yes, Lehman yes, Cline yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes.  Five yes votes.  Resolution 2023-4A accepted. 

 Resolution 2023-13, a resolution authorizing partial reimbursement of TIF to Stark Board of Trade LLC.  Mr. Smith motioned to accept Resolution 2023-13 and Mr. Kammer seconded.  Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes, Smith yes.  Five yes votes.  The first reading was given.

 Resolution 2023-14, a resolution authorizing entering into agreement with Kirby Brothers LLC Annexation and Utilities, to be passed as an emergency.  Mr. Smith motioned to approve Resolution 2023-14.  Ms. Lehman seconded.  Lehman yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes.  Five yes votes.  Resolution 2023-14 accepted. 



Mayor Robert Benson said he would like to have the Navarre signs repainted and he has spoken with someone about doing that work.  Mayor Benson received a request to have gravel placed around recycle bins, as it gets very muddy there.  Ms. Lehman motioned to approve the placement of gravel and Mr. Kammer seconded.  Kammer yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion carried.


Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported the concrete is complete in front of Nickles docks.  He advised Nickles paid to have the humps removed from docks.  Mr. Wisselgren said there will be two change orders that will be submitted for the paving project.  He said there was storm damage to the roof at the cemetery building and barn at the Water Treatment Plant.  Both of those buildings will be getting new roofs.  The Civic Center also suffered from some storm damage and repairs will be made there as well.  Lastly, Mr. Wisselgren spoke of the delay in printing of the water bills.  He advised that no late penalties will be applied this month since the bills will be delivered late.  The Village hopes to have the bills to the Post Office for delivery by the end of the week. 


Mr. Kammer said that Fohl Church would like to use the community sign again.

 Ms. Lehman advised that Anderson’s has closed for business.  She is looking for a new location for “Coffee with Council”.   She said she spoke to Jim Neely regarding building inspections and it was determined that would not be a feasible option.  She said she plants to contact Stark County Building Department to find out what an inspection requires in an attempt to determine what is necessary to open a business in an older building.

 Mr. Smith requested the aggregation program information be placed on Facebook.  He informed Council that he is working with Bethlehem Township on the flooding situation at Park Street and State Route 21 in Navarre.  He questioned when the Village will receive the Truck Route signs and Mr. Wisselgren reported they have been received by the Village.  Mr. Smith advised there is an issue with Nickles Bakery parking trucks on a lot located in a residential area.  Mr. Smith said he will check with Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger on same.  Mr. Smith reported the Finance Committee met prior to the Council Meeting and they decided to move with a “Letter of Intent” to purchase a Chevy Tahoe for the Police Department.



Mr. Smith moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $70,985.24.  Ms. Lehman seconded.  Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes.  Five yes votes.  Bills and claims approved.

 Ms. Lehman moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Kammer seconded.  Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes, Kammer yes.  Five yes votes.   Meeting adjourned at

8:10 pm.

 ______________________________                        __________________________   

Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer                             Robert L. Benson, Mayor



May 15……………....………………...…..........................................Council Meeting 7:00 pm