Session 19, October 2, 2023
Mayor Robert Benson called the 19th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, October 2, 2023. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Joe Kammer, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse, Molly Lehman and Josh Smith. Carla Carl was excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Douglas Six of the Fairless Youth Football, Vicki Owen-Merry of the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board, Darrell Appleby and Village residents Chauni Skirtich, Andrew Nicewander and Rhonda Nicewander.

Mr. Smith motioned to approve the minutes of the 18th Regular Session of Council held on September 18, 2023. Mr. Cline seconded. Cline yes, Kammer yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Rouse abstained. Four yes votes. Minutes approved.

Douglas Six of the Fairless Youth Football League requested a donation for uniforms for the league. Mr. Smith motioned to donate $1000.00 to the Fairless Youth Football League and Mr. Cline seconded. Lehman yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Vicki Owen-Merry of the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board requested Council’s consent to create a Wind Phone or Memory Phone at the park in memory of Julie Stantz. Vicki said that Julie was a silent donor to many park functions. Ms. Lehman motioned to approve the request and Mr. Kammer seconded. Kammer yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. She also reminded Council that the annual golf-outing is this Sunday. She also mentioned the dumpster, from Battle-of-the-Bats needs removed due to misuse.

Darrell Appleby, resident of Fohl Street, requested permission to install a 30’ culvert to rectify a problem he has when leaving his property and heading West.

Rhonda Nicewander advised she spoke with Chief Shetler after the last Council Meeting. She said there was confusion as to who would be issuing the citations for the property on Park Street.

Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed said she is working with the Auditors on the November and December reconciliations. She had nothing further to report.

Ordinance 14-2023, an ordinance defining the truck route through Navarre, excluding Market, Wooster and Park Streets, Regulation Section 70.21 was given a third and final reading. Mr. Smith offered to accept Ordinance 14-2023 with the mentioned correction. Mr. Kammer seconded. Cline yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes. Five yes votes. Ordinance 14-2023 duly adopted.

Resolution 2023-32, a resolution applying for OPWC Grant for the Sterilite/Fohl intersection. Mr. Smith offered and moved to accept Resolution 2023-32. Ms. Lehman seconded. Five yes votes. Rouse yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Lehman yes, Cline yes. Resolution 2023-32 accepted.

Resolution 2023-33, a resolution approving amendment with ODOD Sterilite/Fohl intersection. Mr. Smith offered and moved to accept Resolution 2023-32. Ms. Lehman seconded. Kammer yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes. Five yes votes. Resolution 2023-33 accepted.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger spoke about the ODNR Grant Agreement. Attorney Seeberger reported the title search is complete and the Village would like to obtain a copy of the search. With that complete, Attorney Seeberger said he has signed exhibit C.

Mayor Benson said he has two openings on the Navarre Zoning Board of Appeals and one opening on the Cemetery Board.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren suggested we install curbs on Canal and/or Park Street with 2024 municipal road funding. Mr. Wisselgren said he rented a trencher last week to install wire for street lamps.

Mr. Cline said Vicki Owen-Merry contacted him regarding a latch at the park. He reminded Council of the golf outing on Sunday and said they are still looking for volunteers.

Ms. Lehman said she has not heard back yet from Stark Parks regarding NTR using land for drop-site. Regarding the fence she spoke about at the prior meeting, she said Stark Parks has agreed to install a more substantial fence but they require Navarre to pay for the fence. She is still working to get Nickles to split costs. She received an email from Beth Allman of the Towpath YMCA requesting a donation for the Halloween Party. Ms. Lehman motioned to donate $500.00 for the party and Mr. Cline seconded. Cline yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Ms. Lehman requested Mr. Wisselgren move the kiosk near the water plant. Mr. Wisselgren agreed to move it near the parking lot. She mentioned the CBG Grant is due in December if Navarre wanted to apply. She advised she would be happy to put something together for that. She also asked about turning the tennis courts into pickleball courts. Mr. Wisselgren offered to speak to Vasco about same. She mentioned “Coffee with Council” will be held October 21, 2023 from 9-11 am at Rise Up Café, Mayor Candidates might be there to speak with residents. She also said there will be a Property Development and Annexation Meeting at 6pm on October 9th and a Building and Zoning Meeting at 7pm on October 9th. Regarding “Christmas in Bethlehem” the parade will begin on Friday, November 10th at 7pm.

Mr. Smith reported there was a Council of the Whole Meeting this evening and they discussed Fohl Street. He said the next regular council meeting is October 16, 2023.

Ms. Lehman moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $31,248.96. Mr. Kammer seconded. Rouse yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Cline seconded. Kammer yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Cline yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

______________________________ __________________________
Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer Robert L. Benson, Mayor

October 9…………….………............Property Development & Annexation Meeting 6:00 pm
October 9…………….………..........................................Building & Zoning Meeting 7:00 pm
October 16...……….……….…......………………............................Council Meeting 7:00 pm
October 21………………………………Coffee with Council @ Rise Up Café 9:00-11:00 am
October 26…………………………………………Trick-or-Treat in the Village 6:00-7:00 pm