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2020-2021 ORDINANCES
1-2020 Ordinance Authorizing Clerk-Treasurer to Transfer Funds
2-2020 Ordinance Awarding Sterilite St Extension Project to United Earthworks, LLC
3-2020 Ordinance Permanent Appropriations Ordinance
4-2020 Ordinance Adopting American Legal Publishing Basic Code for Navarre
5-2020 Ordinance Amending Hendrickson-Perry Loc School Dist Tax Compensation Formula Ord 17-2019
6-2020 Ordinance Modification of Job Creation Agreement with Hendrickson USA
7-2020 Ordinance Approving entering into CDBG agreement with Stark County Commissioners
8-2020 Ordinance Amending Municipal Regulation 151.51.2
9-2020 Ordinance Enacting New Section 10.19 of Municipal Regulations
10-2020 Ordinance FAILED TO PASS Enacting New Section Municipal Regulations
11-2020 Ordinance Adopting Ohio Basic Code Supplement
12-2020 Ordinance CARES Act Funding amendi ng Ordinance 3-2020 Permanent Appropriations
13-2020 Ordinance amending Ordinance 11-2018 Police Detective Pay July 2020
14-2020 Ordinance Amending Residential Water and Sewer Deposits
15-2020 Ordinance Amendiment of Contract for Sterilite St. Extension Project
16-2020 Ordinance Alternative Tax Budget Information Commencing Jan 2021
17-2020 Ordinance Establishing Prospect Park No-School Tif Agreement with SBT,LLC Attach A and B
18-2020 Ordinance Awarding Contract to N.E.S. Corp for Street Paving
19-2020 Ordinance Request for Additional Amended Certificate
20-2020 Ordinance Amending Ordinance 8-2020 Regulation 151.51(B)
21-2020 Ordinance Providing for salaries and Wages Changes for various Employees
22-2020 Ordinance Establish Navarre Building Department
23-2020 Ordinance Request of Board of Building Standars Certifing Nav Enforcement Oh Building Code
24-2020 Ordinance Approving Replat of Mercer Property
25-2020 Ordinance Combined Alley Vacation and Replat tow existing Lots creating New Lots
26-2020 Ordinance Approving Job Creation Aagreement with Tractor Supply Development of Outlot 912
26-2020 Attachment A Job Creation Tax Credit Agreement
27-2020 Ordinance approving Tractor Supply into Ohio Enterprise Zone agreement
28-2020 Ordinance Approving Re-Plat of properties of Stark Board of Trade
29-2020 Ordinance amending Ordinance 17-2020 Enacted tax Compensation Formula Perry Local
30-2020 Ordinance Enacting Tax Compensation Formula for Perry and Fairless Loc School Dist's
31-2020 Ordinance Confirming Approval of Replat of Property owned by Jon Mercer
33-2020 Ordinance Approving Form of CARES Act Disbribution
34-2020 Ordinance Request for Additional Amended Certificate Stark Auditor
35-2020 Ordinance 2021 Temporary Appropriations
1-2021 Ordinance Authorizing Clerk-Treasurer to Transfer Funds within Various Categories
2-2021 Ordinance Establishing Prospect Park OL 912-914 Non-School TIF Disbursement agreement with SBT
3-2021 2021 Permanent Appropriations
4-2021 Ordinance Navarre ODOT Consent for Maintenance etc. for State Routes in Village
5-2021 Ordinance Approving Replat for Trailhead Canoe Livery
6-2021 Ordinance awarding contract Sterilite St NE No3 to United Earthworks LLC
7-2021 Ordinance Re-designating SBT and Instrumentality of the Village for Improvements Prospect Park
8-2021 Ordinance Tax Compensation Formula for Fairless Local and Tractor Supply Facility
9-2021 Ordinance Tax Compensation Formula for Perry Local and Tractor Supply Facility
10-2021 Ordinance Enacting Sec 151.43 Regulating Marijuana Related uses
11-2021 Ordinance Awarding Contract to N.E.S. Corp. for paving Public Streets
12-2021 Ordinance Income Tax increase to 2 percent with one quarter already passed going to Streets
13-2021 Ordinance Update to Electric Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance
14-2021 Ordinance Re-Zoning Properties to I-2 Downtown Industrial
15-2021 Ordinance Enacting Regulation 76.10 Trailer Parking on Streets
16-2021 Ordinance Setting a New Speed Limit on Fohl Street SW, Navarre
17-2021 Ordinance for 2022 Temporary Appropriations
18-2021 Ordinance Enforcement Regulations for Traffic Sec 72.99, 73.99 and 76.99
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