Session 8, April 15, 2024

Mayor Justin Cline called the 8th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, April 15, 2024.  Mayor Cline began the meeting by asking Councilman Josh Smith to say a prayer, then lead attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.  This public meeting is being recorded.  Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Joseph Kammer, Abigail Caldwell, Daniel Rouse, Joshua Smith, and Molly Lehman. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Interim Village Administrator Blake Dibell and Zoning Inspector Michael Turner. 

 Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the 7th session of council held on April 1, 2024 and Mr. Rouse seconded. Carl yes, Kammer abstain, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes.  Motion carried.  Minutes approved.


 Nothing from the public.


 Chief Chad Shetler presented the March month-end reports.  Chief Shetler noted that the traffic stops are up and that the officers have had a number of stops on Fohl Street. He reported that the police department picked up a person on a warrant from Florida.

He also reported that the SRU was used in the execution of a search warrant at a residence where a family member was in possession of a stolen firearm.  The SRU worked very well.


 Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed also reported that she is working with the County Auditor’s office to get the reporting filed that needs to be filed so she can then do the Permanent Appropriations.  She said that she will have the Appropriation Ordinance ready for approval at the next meeting on May 6th.

 Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed reported that she received a thank you note and a telephone call that the money we had sent to Fairless for the Mother’s Day 5K was going to be refunded because they had to cancel the race due to lack of participation.


 Mr. Seeberger stated that he forwarded to everyone information explaining that the foundations that own the Stark Board of Trade have decided that they want to change the name Prospect Park to Foundations Business Park. Mr. Seeberger explained that Stark Board of Trade LLC is a not-for-profit entity that is the operator and developer of Foundation Business Park.  The six members of the not-for-profit are the six foundations that make up the Stark Board of Trade. They would like the village to send correspondence to the Dept of Development asking for funding to move a gas transmission line so more space in the park can be marketed and developed.

 Mr. Smith made a motion in support of moving the gas transmission line.  Mr. Kammer seconded.  Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes.  Six yes votes.

 Mr. Seeberger reported that there was a pre-bid meeting today for the Sterilite-Fohl project and there were four companies present. The bid opening is next Monday,

April 22.  After the bid we will pass an ordinance to award the bid.  He reported that he will probably have a TIF agreement at the May 6 meeting that we would need to pass a resolution to approve.


 Mayor Justin Cline reported that he heard good things about the search warrant that Chief Shetler mentioned earlier. 

 Mayor Cline also thanked Erie Valley Fire in their response to the recent gas odor incident.  He asked Mike Turner to explain what happened.  He reported that Columbia Gas determined that there was an extra amount of what gives the odor to gas and many residences and businesses were reporting the gas odor.  The situation was all resolved successfully with the cooperation of the fire department and Columbia Gas.

 Mayor Cline would like council’s consent to permanently appoint Blake Dibell as the Village Administrator.

 Ms. Lehman made a motion to appoint Blake Dibell permanently as the Village Administrator with compensation per the current pay ordinance.  Ms. Carl seconded.  Kammer yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes.  Six yes votes.  Motion passed.

 Congratulations to Blake Dibell!!


 Mr. Blake Dibell reported that he is still working with Pond Wiser to get a price for the restoration of the fountain at Rochester Square.  Mr. Dibell reported that he needs to talk to Beth Alban from the YMCA about the plaque for the donations.  The plaque will be on a stand and will be placed near the gazebo.  Ms. Lehman asked about mounting the plaque on the benches. Mr. Dibell will get a price for 4 separate plaques to be mounted on the two benches.  Ms. Meek-Obed reported that Beth Alban brought in a check that was for restitution to be used for the Navarre Youth Complex. This money could be used to pay for the plaque(s).  Mr. Dibell reported that he has put the no parking signs up in front of Real Deals Discounts store.


 Ms. Carl reported that the first community garden meeting was held and only a few people showed up but there is another meeting on April 17th at 6:00pm. The ground breaking will hopefully be next week.  She reported that she talked to the someone about getting mulch and that she is looking for plant donations.

 Mr. Kammer asked Chief Shetler if there is any different route to be used for the Memorial Day parade.  They will discuss some options later.  The parade will line up at 12:00 noon and start @ 1:00pm

 Mr. Rouse asked Chief Shetler about the traffic lights at the corner of Main & Canal Street.  Chief Shetler responded and Mayor Cline suggested that we talk about this later.

 Ms. Lehman asked if there was any further information about the JEDD.  Mayor Cline said that there is going to be a meeting about the JEDD once it gets set up and Mr. Seeberger stated that he will give a history of the JEDD to all.

 Ms. Lehman reminded of the mayor’s breakfast.  Ms. Lehman stated there was a Property Maintenance and Business Development committee meeting before this meeting and she will send the minutes out. There is a Business/Zoning meeting immediately after this council meeting. The next Finance Committee meeting is on May 13th @ 6:30pm. There is a Navarre Business Association meeting on April 18th

@ 6:00 pm.

 Ms. Lehman also noted that the Bethlehem Township is discussing the Historical Society tonight.

 Mr. Smith asked Mr. Dibell what the status is with the park and the basketball hoops.  Mr. Dibell stated that we have the two children’s swings and one that you can sit and face the swings.  Mr. Smith stated that they are working on an ODNR grant to do the pickle ball courts but for now we need to move forward with the park equipment and upgrade the basketball hoops. Council agreed.

 Mr. Smith mentioned that we have a change order from Barbicas for the street project for $53,000.00.  Mr. Smith said he would like to have Blake reach out to other contractors to see if we can get this work done any cheaper and to authorize Blake to approve the change order if no one else can do it any cheaper.

 Mr. Smith made a motion to authorize Mr. Dibell to approve the change order up to the $53,000.00 with Barbicas or an alternate contractor to save money.  Ms. Lehman seconded. Carl yes, Lehman yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes. Six yes votes.  Motion Carried.


 Mr. Smith made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims. Mr. Kammer seconded. Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes.   Six yes votes.  Motion passed.

 Ms. Carl made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Kammer seconded.  Rouse yes,

Lehman yes, Smith yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes. Six yes votes.   Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm.

 ______________________________                        __________________________   

Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer                             Justin G. Cline, Mayor

 Historical Society Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 18th @ 10:00am

Navarre Business Association Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 18th @ 6:00pm

Coffee with Council at Kremeland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 20th 9:00-11:00am

Council Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  May 6th @7:00pm

Finance Committee Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  May 13th @6:30pm