Session 4, February 19, 2024
Mayor Justin Cline called the 4th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, February 19, 2024. Mayor Cline began the meeting by asking Councilman Josh Smith to say a prayer, then lead attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Joe Kammer, Abigail Caldwell, Daniel Rouse, and Joshua Smith. President Pro Temp Molly Lehman was absent. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Interim Village Administrator Blake Dibell Police Chief Chad Shetler and resident Chauni Skirtich. Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the third session of council on February 5, 2024 and Ms. Carl seconded. Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No public participation. POLICE - SAFETY Chief Shetler reported that we got the SRU and it was decaled last week. The Street Dept. moved some things around and made room for us to store it in the old fire dept. We also got all the cruisers decaled, so all cruisers now look the same. FINANCE Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed reported that she is still working with the software company to get the annual reports completed, but in the process, she has found some things that weren’t charged correctly and will need to be corrected before the Financial Reports can be completed. There is a Finance Committee meeting on February 11th at 6:30 p.m. Attorney Seeberger asked if we are in a position to take care of the TSC & Hendrickson tax payments and Ms. Meek-Obed said that she didn’t believe that the income tax clerk had previously said it would probably be March before those numbers would be ready. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Mr. Smith made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-5, a resolution ratifying the Vasco Asphalt transaction that was approved at the previous meeting, as an emergency and Mr. Kammer seconded. Carl yes, Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes, Caldwell yes. Five yes votes. Resolution passed. Mr. Smith made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-6, a resolution authorizing advertisement for bids for completion of the Fohl-Sterilite intersection, as an emergency and Ms. Carl seconded. Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Carl yes. Five yes votes. Resolution passed. SOLICITOR Mr. Seeberger stated that he has not received any more info regarding the Government Law Seminar on March 2nd, but he highly recommends that anyone go to it, especially the newer council members. Mr. Seeberger said that we should pass an ordinance adopting the Ohio Basic Code and he will prepare that for the next meeting. Mr. Seeberger asked if there was any decision made by council regarding Ordinance 17-2023. Ms. Carl stated that there had been a safety committee meeting and the committee decided the distance should be changed from 200 yards to 50 yards. Ms. Carl made a motion to pass Ordinance 17-2023 after this the third reading and Mr. Smith seconded. Carl yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes. 5 yes votes. Ordinance 17-2023 passed. Mr. Seeberger reported that the industrial park is being marketed and within a few months there could be possibility of a new business coming in. If a new business wants to come in, they may be offered a tax abatement. There is also a Job Creation Tax Credit agreement. If a new business would come in these may need to be approved by council. MAYOR Mayor Cline reported that he received a letter from Fairless Student Council, asking if we would like to donate to their Mother’s Day 5k race. We can get more information and discuss it further and make a decision at the next meeting. ADMINISTRATOR Mayor Cline introduced Blake Dibell as the Interim Village Administrator. He has also been promoted to the position of Water Superintendent. Mr. Dibell reported that the kiosk at the water plant has been relocated. He also reported that the new Christmas decorations have been ordered. He said that he is going to get a hold of Ohio Edison to get the drops fixed. He also reported that since we are going to be working on the poles, we may want to look at getting new flags and poles because some are in bad shape. There was some discussion about looking to find a used bucket truck to purchase because the one we previously had was used for about 20 years and was donated from MCTV when we got it. We currently rent a lift when we have to hang the Christmas decorations or the flags. Mr. Smith asked Mr. Dibell about the asphalt hotbox that is listed on an equipment needed list, and said he recalls that it was approved to purchase one about a year and a half ago. Mr. Dibell reported that he will get a hold of T. Rowley to take a couple trees down by Rise Up Café. Mr. Seeberger stated that in looking at the vehicle list he knows that within the next 60 days or so that the Village of Strasburg will be auctioning off some vehicles that we may want to look into. Mr. Dibell asked how we could go about purchasing from Mr. Seeberger said he would look into this to find out about government agencies purchasing from other government agencies. Mr. Dibell will look into getting prices for new flags. MISCELLANEOUS Ms. Carl reported that the Park Board is looking to purchase a book for the young man that is doing work for the park as he is trying to get the park designated as a wetland, which could help with getting grants. They would like to split the cost of the book with the village. Ms. Carl made a motion to agree to pay half of the cost of the book that is needed and Mr. Rouse seconded. Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes. 5 yes votes. Motion passed. Ms. Carl brought up the community garden that she is trying to put something together and wants to put something on Facebook so the public knows what we are planning. She said that she was wondering if we would be able to till the garden but if we can’t her husband will do it. Mr. Kammer reminded everyone about the VONBA meeting that is going to be Thursday February 22 @ 6:30 p.m. at Healing Tree Crystals on Main Street. He also stated that he looked up the Government Law Seminar, it is $27.00 per person and is from 9:00 – 3:00 on March 2nd at R.G. Drage Career Center. Ms. Caldwell and Ms. Carl both said they want to go and they think Ms. Lehman does too. Ms. Meek-Obed said she will take care of getting them registered. Mr. Smith reported that the safety committee met and one thing has already been addressed earlier and another thing that the committee talked about was removing on street parking on Sisterhen Court to Route 21 and he will follow-up with Mr. Seeberger so he can draw up something. Mr. Smith also reported that the street committee needs to meet and look at whether we want to do a secondary street project this year or at least what we want to do in 2025. Mr. Smith stated that the next meeting is March 4th at 7:00 p.m. Finance Committee has a meeting on March 11th at 6:30 p.m. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Kammer made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims. Mr. Rouse seconded. Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes. Five yes votes. Motion passed. Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Kammer seconded. Smith yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 pm. ______________________________ __________________________ Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer Justin G. Cline, Mayor |