Session 14, July 15, 2024

Mayor Justin Cline called the 14th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, July 15, 2024.  Mayor Cline began the meeting by asking Councilperson Josh Smith to say a prayer, then lead attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.  This public meeting is being recorded.  Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Abigail Caldwell, Daniel Rouse, Josh Smith and Molly Lehman. Joe Kammer was absent. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger and Village Administrator Blake Dibell, Zoning Inspector Mike Turner and residents Chauni Skirtich, Katy Cline and her neighbor.

Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the 13th session of council held on July 1, 2024 and Ms. Lehman seconded. Carl abstains, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes.  Motion carried.  Minutes approved.


Katy Cline talked about a tree in front of her property that is blocking her access to her property and is raising the sidewalk.  She was going to have the tree cut down but her neighbor said she can’t cut the tree down because it is in the tree lawn and belongs to the property.  She basically wants permission to have the tree cut down, she is willing to pay for it to be taken down but doesn’t want to get in trouble for taking it down.  There was much discussion about this situation.

Mr. Smith made a motion to give permission to Katy Cline to have the tree taken down at her cost.  Ms. Carl seconded.  Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes.  5 yes votes.  Motion passed.  Permission granted.

Ms. Lehman asked Blake to look at this tree and the other tree that were mentioned to verify if they need to be removed.  Ms. Cline stated that she would pay to have more trees planted if council wants her to.


Zoning Inspector Mike Turner reported that we can’t move forward with the Basin Street property until the 20th, so he has nothing else to report.


Ms. Kim Meek-Obed reported that council has two lists of Bills and Claims to approve because after the previous meeting she realized that an amount was incorrect on the July 1st list, so it has been corrected and she would like council to approve the corrected list from July 1st and the list from tonight, July 15th also needs to be approved.  She also mentioned that the July 15th list is a higher than usual amount because she paid the street paving invoice from Barbicas last week.

Ms. Meek-Obed stated that she gave council all some reports (Revenue and Expense reports) for them to look at.  We can discuss at the next Finance Committee meeting on August 12th.

She reminded that Battle of the Bats is going on at the park this weekend so the park will be busy.


Mr. Seeberger presented Resolution 2024-17, for sharing funds of Navarre-Bethlehem Historical Society for second reading.  Mr. Seeberger will speak to a trustee later this week and will get clarification of where the township stands on this.

Mr. Seeberger presented 2024-18 for the first reading with the corrections made that the cemetery board had told Ms. Meek-Obed.

Ms. Lehman made a motion to have the first reading of Resolution 2024-18, a resolution adopting fees and charges for cemetery services.  Ms. Caldwell seconded.  Lehman yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes.  Five yes votes.  This is first reading.

Mr. Smith made a motion to have the first reading of Ordinance 12-2024, an ordinance Enacting Municipal Regulation30.08, setting spending limits for the Village Administrator and Police Chief.  Ms. Lehman seconded. Ms. Caldwell seconded.  Smith yes, Carl yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes.  Five yes votes. This is first reading.

Mr. Seeberger reported that a lot split is likely to come before council for approval.  Then there will be a request for rezoning of the property.

Mr. Seeberger reported that they are going to start doing some utility work the first week of August and the construction will start soon after that.


Mr. Blake Dibell reported that Scott Kerby (from Kraus’s Pizza) talked to him and asked that council consider what is called DORA (designated outdoor refreshment areas).  Mr. Dibell gave council information on this so that council can consider it.  Mr. Seeberger stated that the zoning committee would be the appropriate committee to look into this.


Mayor Justin Cline reported that he received a resignation letter from Zoning Inspector, Michael Turner.  Mayor Cline told everyone that we will need to look for someone else.  Council would like thank Mike for his service and wish him well.


Ms. Carl thanked Blake for all the things he has done to help with the Community Garden.

Mr. Smith reported that we received a request from Fairless Youth Athletic Foundation for a donation. 

Mr. Smith made a motion to donate the same amount that we did last year to the Fairless Youth Athletic Foundation. Second to Ms. Lehman. Caldwell yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion passed.

Blake heard back from ODNR regarding the grant we had submitted an application for and the whole Stark County was going to get much less than was expected, so if we get awarded anything it would be considerably less that what we had previously requested.  We had requested $62,000 and we would likely only get $15,000 - $20,000.  Do we want to revise our application knowing we would have to commit to paying more? If so, the revised application needs to be submitted by August 15th.


Ms. Lehman made a motion to pay the corrected Bills & Claims from July 1, 2024. Ms. Carl seconded. Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes.   Five yes votes.  Motion passed.

Ms. Lehman made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims for July 15, 2024. Mr. Smith seconded. Lehman yes, Smith yes, Carl yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes.   Five yes votes.  Motion passed.

Mr. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Lehman seconded. Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.


______________________________                        __________________________   

Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer                             Justin G. Cline, Mayor

Next Council Meeting. . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday, August 5, 2024 @ 7:00pm

Finance Committee Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday, August 12, 2024 @ 6:30pm