Session 17, October 5, 2020
Mayor Benson called the 17th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, October 5, 2020. The Finance Committee met prior to this Council Meeting. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Pat Winkhart, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse and President Pro Temp Derek Netzly. Liz Urbach and Josh Smith were excused. Also present at the meeting were the Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Navarre Police Sergeant David Bertman, Navarre Zoning Inspector Jim Neely, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren and Matt Crum.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 16th Regular Session of Council held on September 21, 2020. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Minutes approved.

Ms. Winkhart moved to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on September 28, 2020. Mr. Netzly seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Minutes approved.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave Council a copy of today’s check register, bills and claims and the September financial statements.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger briefed Council on the proposed line of site plans for the proposed building. He plans to talk with the Zoning Board of Appeals tomorrow to bring them into the loop. Dominion is adamant that no trees are to be on the gas line right of way.

Ordinance 14-2020, an ordinance amending residential water and sewer deposits, was given a third and final reading. Ms. Winkhart offered, Mr. Netzly seconded Ordinance 14-2020 be placed in final passage. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Ordinance 14-2020 declared duly adopted.

Ordinance 20-2020, an amending Codified Municipal Regulation 151.51(B). Mr. Netzly moved to accept Ordinance 20-2020. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Motion carried. The first reading was given.

Resolution 2020-11, a resolution authorizing the sale of Village owned real estate, etc. by Kiko Auctioneers. Ms. Winkhart offered and moved to accept Resolution 2020-11. Mr. Netzly seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Resolution 2020-11 accepted.

Mayor Benson requested Council’s consent to sign with Regional Emergency Dispatch Center (RED Center Dispatch) as the police dispatch service for 2021. Mr. Netzly motioned to approve, Mr. Cline seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Motion carried.

Mayor Benson reported Village equipment and public properties will be offered by auction by Kiko auctioneers. Please visit KiKo Website for details.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported the majority of the paving has been completed. Gravel and top soil are now being applied. In addition to the original list, Cedarmont was also paved.

Zachary Wisselgren said all of the vehicles to be sold have been moved to the garage. Also, the recycle bins will be moved again to appease the neighboring property owner.

The Park Board Committee will meet to discuss conditions at Underwood Park and the park equipment located by the YMCA.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $41,880.27. Mr. Cline seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Netzly moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Cline seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Netzly yes. Four yes votes. Meeting adjourned.

____________________________ ____________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor