Session 13, July 19, 2021
Mayor Robert Benson called the 13th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, July 19, 2021. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Pat Winkhart, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse and Joshua Smith. Derek Netzly and Joe Kammer were excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Jeff Hukill, Penny Hukill, Mark Mann and Cheryl Mann all of Shadow Lawn Allotment and Bethlehem Township Trustee Mark Dearing and Bethlehem Township Fiscal Officer Jody Matics. Ms. Winkhart moved to approve the minutes of the 12th Session of Council held on June 21, 2021. Mr. Cline seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Residents from Shadow Lawn Allotment addressed council regarding work at Prospect Park. There is a tremendous amount of dust. People can’t be outside and can’t use their pools. Water flow from the heavy rains caused flooding in their yards. A property has caved in and residents are concerned about their foundations. Mayor Benson will contact Stark Development Board. Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren noted that Stark Soil and Water oversees erosion and sediment displacement during the construction process. POLICE SAFETY The June Police Report was distributed to Council. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register, the June financial statements and the bills and claims. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 10-2021, a previously tabled ordinance amending Zoning Code new section 151.43, regulating marijuana related uses, no action taken. Ordinance 12-2021, an ordinance submission to electors proposed additional one quarter percent income tax, was given a third and final reading. Ms. Winkhart offered, Mr. Smith seconded Ordinance 12-2021 be placed in final passage. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Ordinance 12-2021 declared duly adopted. Resolution 2021-8, a resolution specifying the date of election to levy .25% income tax within the Village Corporation. Mr. Smith offered and moved to accept Resolution 2021-8. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Resolution 2021-8 accepted. SOLICITOR Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger requested certified copies of Ordinance 12-2021 and Resolution 2021-08 be hand delivered to Stark County Board of Elections. Ms. Winkhart volunteered to handle this. Terry Seeberger reported Mid’s contacted him about a rezone, which will need to go through the Planning Commission for a hearing. MAYOR Mayor Benson welcomes Councilman Joe Kammer, who is filling the seat of Liz Urbach. He advised Council they need to change the assignment to Navarre-Bethlehem Community Park Board from Liz Urbach to Joe Kammer. Ms. Winkhart motioned and Mr. Cline seconded the assignment change. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Motion carried. Mayor Benson reported Council members Derek Netzly, Justin Cline, Joe Kammer and Daniel Rouse terms expire on December 31, 2021 and the Petitions must be filed at the Board of Elections by August 4, 2021 to be on the November ballot. Mayor Benson advised he will not be at the next Council Meeting. ADMINISTRATOR Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported the paving contract has been signed and paving is set to begin in August. Mr. Wisselgren said Flo Study was completed and that he had a meeting with Engineer Don Dummermuth about upgrading and funding for the Sewer Plant. MISCELLANEOUS Jody Matics said she wants to create a mutual operating agreement between the Village of Navarre and Bethlehem Township for the Navarre-Bethlehem Park. Mark Dearing noted that United Earthworks is going to work on the erosion issue on Ann Street. Also, the contractor knows how to control the dust on projects. TSC has been very receptive to the complaints. Ms. Winkhart reported SARTA busses are transporting employees into the Village and maybe we could get daycare for the people working. Ms. Winkhart also asked about the annexation plans for the people on East Canal Street. Touch a Truck will be held at the YMCA on August 13, 2021 from 5pm – 8pm. The Saint Clements Sausage Drive Thru will be held the same day from 4pm -7pm. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Smith moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $267,333.71. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Ms. Winkhart moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Smith seconded. Winkhart yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes. Four yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ______________________________ __________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS August 2..…………………………………………………..…...Council Meeting 7:00 pm |