Session 2, January 18, 2021


 Mayor Robert Benson called the 2nd Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, January 18, 2021. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Pat Winkhart, Liz Urbach, Justin Cline, Joshua Smith and Derek Netzly. Daniel Rouse was excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Gabby and Matt Crum and First Energy Advisor Lorraine Rader. Police Captain Chad Shetler attended via Zoom.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 1st Regular Session of Council held on January 4, 2021. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Urbach yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Minutes approved.

Lorraine Rader of First Energy Advisors spoke to Council about her recommendations for the electric aggregation program. Mr. Netzly motioned to have the Mayor Benson sign the agreement with Constellation New Energy after approval from the Solicitor. Mr. Smith seconded. Winkhart yes, Urbach yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Police Captain Chad Shetler reported several officers were off for COVID related illnesses. All have tested negative for the virus. He said the department is getting quotes for the sally port and one police cruiser has been ordered. Lastly, he said they have used drywall and 2x4’s that were donated by Lowes to build a long-term evidence storage unit.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register and the bills and claims.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger said a certified copy of Ordinance 32-2020 and Resolution 2021-1 need sent to Stark County Board of Elections. If the ballot issue passes, it will be effective on July 1, 2021.

Mayor Robert Benson reported that Casey O’Conner of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway has requested Navarre close the Canal Street West crossing. Mr. O’Conner said he will come present to Council if so desired. Council advised they are against this closure.

Ordinance 32-2020, an ordinance submission to electors to increase income tax to 2%, was given a third and final reading. Mr. Netzly offered, Ms. Winkhart seconded Ordinance 32-2020 be placed in final passage. Winkhart yes, Urbach yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Ordinance 32-2020 declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2021-1, a resolution specifying date of election to levy .25% income tax and net profits tax within the Village. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Resolution 2021-1. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Winkhart yes, Urbach yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Resolution 2021-1 accepted.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported that he and Don Dummermuth are working with Tractor Supply Company team on fire flow.

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren stated surveys need sent out for the Nature Works Grant.

The yard waste pit at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 3 pm and weekends and holidays from 8:30 am to 11 am.

Ms. Winkhart distributed copies of the Street Committee Meeting minutes. She stated public meetings are needed to inform the residents of the need for the income tax increase. She also reported a grant is available for playground equipment for the North Market Street Park. She went on to explain the Nature Works Grant would be used to build a pavilion and for additional equipment and also to create a walking path.

Mayor Benson said he would like to see sidewalks on the East side of Market Street so residents could walk to the YMCA.

Ms. Urbach reported the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board will meet to elect officers.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $48,950.33. Ms. Urbach seconded. Winkhart yes, Urbach yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Netzly moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Urbach seconded. Winkhart yes, Urbach yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned.

____________________________ ___________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor

February 1……………..………………………………...…...Council Meeting 7:00 pm
February 15...…………..………………………………..…...Council Meeting 7:00 pm