Mayor Robert Benson called the 6th Regular Session of Council to order on April 17, 2017. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Derek Netzly, Daniel Rouse, Robin Keith, Gary Wilson, Ray Gallaher and Pat Winkhart. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Stark County Commissioner Bill Smith and Independent Reporter Mindy Lenigan. Administrator Jeff Seward arrived at 7:25pm. Ms. Keith moved to approve the minutes of the 5th Regular Session of Council held on April 5, 2017. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Minutes approved.
Bill Smith spoke to council about issue one, the sales tax renewal of .5%. 100% of this money goes to the Criminal Justice System. They are asking for this to be renewed for another 8 years. As of 12/31/18 Motorola will no longer support the radio systems in the county. The new radio system will take 16-18 months to build. The new system is used statewide.
Council reviewed the Erie Valley Fire and Rescue report. Mayor reported that the Fire Department gave permission for us to move the hitching post.
Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register.
Mayor Benson spoke of May Motorcycle Awareness Month Proclamation where all drivers are asked to “LOOK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLES”. American Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE).
Mayor Benson advised that Becki Pastier of First Energy Solutions will meet with Council in January of 2018 to discuss our Electric Aggregation program that expires in May of 2018.
Mayor Benson advised that the Police Officer that Mr. Youngman spoke of at the last meeting was Detective Joe Hill.
Mayor Benson asked Council to donate a reel of wire in the storage garage from past Landmark NFD to the Navarre-Bethlehem Joint Fire District.
Mayor Benson advised that there are four Council seats available this November.
Resolution 2017-5, a resolution authorizing donation of surplus material to Navarre-Bethlehem Joint Fire District. Mr. Netzly moved, Mr. Gallaher seconded to accept Resolution 2017-5. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2017-5 accepted.
Resolution 2017-6, a resolution authorizing Village Administrator to approve change order in favor of Bogner Construction Company. Mr. Netzly moved, Mr. Gallaher seconded to accept Resolution 2017-6. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2017-6 accepted.
Resolution 2017-7, a resolution authorizing Village Administrator to approve change order in favor of Hungerford & Terry, Inc. Ms. Winkhart moved, Mr. Gallaher seconded to accept Resolution 2017-7. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2017-7 accepted.
The yard waste pit at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 3:00 pm and weekends and holidays from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.
The Village Spring Clean-up Day is Saturday, April 22nd, from 9 am to 12pm. Residents who wish to clean and beautify their neighborhoods can pick up trash bags at Village Hall. Village employees will pick up any filled bags left curbside, starting around 10am. Volunteers who wish to beautify the Navarre/Bethlehem Park can meet at the closed pavilion at 9am. Coffee, juice and donuts will be available.
Alleys were graveled, repairs to Maple St. were started and grading and patching was done on Wilson Place and Fourth St. West.
The first street sweep of the year will be Wednesday, April 19th in the early morning hours. Residents are asked to park off the street the night before.
Repairs are being done to Blower #1 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
A hydrant and waterline will be extended in the Neomodal property off of the new 12” water main. Village employees will start this project the last week of April tentatively. This was a condition of getting the waterline easement from Stark Development Board.
A meeting was held with representatives from Bogner Construction, Tuscon, Inc., Gene Dummermuth, Sugarcreek Township, Zack Wisselgren and Jeff Seward to discuss potential damages to Day Avenue as a result of dirt hauling associated with the Water Treatment Plant project.
Water Plant Expansion Project: The ceiling of the backwash tank along the Water Treatment Plant driveway will be poured and the water main from the Water Treatment Plant to the end of the backwash tank will be installed soon. Steel for the water tower is in the process of being delivered and landscaping work at the tank site continues.
USDA would like us to have additional contingency money for the Water Treatment Plant projects.
Jeff Seward explained the additional costs for extra work needed and that he is looking at a water rate increase.
For anyone that registered for the Rain Garden Workshop put on by the Stark Soil & Water, it will be held this Wednesday from 6-8pm at the Navarre Civic Center.
The next monthly department head meeting with the Mayor is this Wednesday, April 19th at 9:30 am.
Don Dummermuth is working on Preliminary Plans for Market Street.
Complaints have been received regarding the barn parties.
Mr. Netzly would like to have a Memorial Day Meeting on May 1st at 6:30 pm, prior to the Council Meeting.
Mr. Rouse asked if the residents on Lindcrest and Mapleford will have water service after the project is complete. Maybe in the future.
Ms. Winkhart reported that the parties at the barn are personal parties. The Planning Commission decided to have Council decide on the barn request to change zoning from R1 to B2.
Attorney Terry Seeberger expressed his recommendations for Resolution 2017-6 and Resolution 2017-7.
Mr. Wilson moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $157,638.53. Mr. Rouse seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Bills and claims approved.
Mr. Gallaher moved, Mr. Netzly seconded to adjourn the meeting. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Meeting adjourned.
____________________________ _______________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor
May 1 ……………………………………Memorial Day Committee Meeting at 6:30pm