Session 12, July 17, 2017
Mayor Robert Benson called the 12th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, July 17, 2017.  Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Members answering roll call were Derek Netzly, Daniel Rouse, Robin Keith, Gary Wilson, Ray Gallaher and Pat Winkhart.  Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Administrator Jeff Seward, Navarre Police Chief Dennis Albaugh, Patrolman Matt Amendola, Evan Machan and Eric Ochmanek from the State Treasurer’s Office, Representative Christina Hagan, Tamela and Christine Owen, Independent reporter Mindy Lenigan and Brook and Reed Lenigan.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 11th Regular Session of Council held on July 3, 2017.  Ms. Winkhart seconded.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Minutes approved.


Evan Machan, of Ohio Treasurer’s Office, distributed information to council about Navarre’s online checkbooks on the project.


Police Chief Dennis Albaugh distributed and reviewed the monthly police report to council.

Chief Albaugh reported the new car is in and equipped.  

Chief Albaugh advised the next Crime Watch Meeting is August 8, 2017.

Chief Albaugh reported that the Battle of the Bats Tournament went well.  The guys did a great job cleaning up the park.


Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of the 2016-2016 audit report and a copy of today’s check register.


Ordinance 12-2017, Codifying Village of Navarre Citizens Initiative Issue #12 and amending municipal regulation 31.50, was given a final reading by.  Mr. Wilson moved, Ms. Keith seconded Ordinance 12-2017 be placed in final passage. 

Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Motion carried.  Ordinance 12-2017 duly adopted.

Ordinance 13-2017, an ordinance awarding the paving of North Market Street to NorthStar Asphalt Inc. and declaring same to be an emergency.  Mr. Netzly offered and moved to Ordinance 13-2017 and declaring same to be an emergency.  Mr. Rouse seconded.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Motion carried.  Ordinance accepted.

Ordinance 13-2017, Ms. Winkhart moved, Mr. Wilson seconded rules requiring three separate reading of Ordinance 13-2017 be suspended.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Rules requiring three separate readings suspended.

Ordinance 13-2017, Ms. Winkhart moved, Ms. Keith seconded Ordinance 13-2017 be placed in final passage.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes. Motion carried.  Ordinance 13-2017 duly adopted.


Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger thanked everyone for excusing him from the last meeting.


Mayor Benson reappointed Attorney Terry Seeberger as Village of Navarre Solicitor for a two year agreement and requested councils consent.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Appointment approved. 

Mayor Benson said we are so blessed to have Attorney Terry Seeberger as our Solicitor.

Mayor Benson requested the Finance Committee take a look at the Employee Pay Ordinance.

Mayor Benson and Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger explained the need for Resolution 2017-12, a joint resolution amending joint resolution creating the Navarre-Bethlehem Joint Fire District, which would allow an active firefighter, first responder EMT or paramedic to serve as a Board Member.  Ms. Winkhart moved, Mr. Wilson seconded to accept Resolution 2017-12.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Resolution 2017-12 accepted.

Mayor Benson requested Ms. Winkhart, Mr. Netzly and Attorney Terry Seeberger meet with the Historical Society regarding the purchase/sale of property.

Mayor Benson advised mosquito spraying will be done in the Village on July 19th or 20th and the next street sweeping in the Village will be on July 26, 2017.


Village Administrator Jeff Seward gave thanks to Bob Wuske for his help at the park and advised that he takes offense to all the complaints about the weeds in the park.  Removal of the weeds has always been done once a year.  The drainage problem with the bank does not help the situation.  A lot of work is done at the park and it is demoralizing to the employees.  There has been a lot of tree work this year and time dictates priorities, especially for the utility employees.


Mr. Netzly requested a Finance Committee Meeting on August 21st at 6:00 pm with Village Administrator Jeff Seward and Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson to discuss the pay Ordinance.

Mr. Rouse reported that he has received complaints about the property on Jacob St with junk vehicles and brush.

Mr. Rouse also advised that someone requested permission to hunt on Day Avenue property.

Mr. Wilson stated that Underwood Park is looking good.  

Mr. Wilson also reported that he is having galvanized water lines replaced and advised that water employees can assist while the work is being done.


Mr. Wilson moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $328,719.26.  Ms. Keith seconded.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Netzly moved, Mr. Gallaher seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Wilson yes, Gallaher yes, Winkhart yes.  Six yes votes.  Meeting adjourned.

___________________________                 _________________________________

Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer                 Robert L. Benson, Mayor


August 7 ............................................................................Council Meeting at 7:00 P.M.

August 8 …………………………………...………Crime Watch Meeting at 7:00 P.M.

August 21 …………….……………………..Finance Committee Meeting at 6:00 P.M.