Session 20, October 21, 2024

Mayor Justin Cline called the 20th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, October 21, 2024.  Mayor Cline began the meeting by asking Council person Josh Smith to say a prayer, then led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.  This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Joe Kammer, Abigail Caldwell, Daniel Rouse, Josh Smith and Molly Lehman. Council member Carla Carl was absent.  Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Administrator Blake Dibell and Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger and village residents Ron Kerby, Margaret Cotton and Chauni Skirtich and numerous other individuals to support the new police officer being sworn in.

 Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the 19th session of council held on October 7, 2024 and Ms. Caldwell seconded. Kammer abstain, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes.  Motion carried.  Minutes approved.

SAFETY -  Chief of Police

Chief Chad Shetler recommended that Vance Brothers be appointed to the police department as a full-time officer.  Justin appointed Vance Brothers and asked for council approval. Roll call vote: Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes. Five yes votes.  Appointment approved.  Mayor Cline swore in the new officer and pictures were taken.

Chief Shetler presented the quote to equip the newest police cruiser that was purchased in 2023. The cost to equip the cruiser is $21,881.85. We are saving approximately $3,000.00 because we aren’t putting the watchguard in car camera system in this cruiser.  Mr. Smith stated that the Finance Committee recommends that we equip the police cruiser.

Mr. Smith made a motion to move forward with equipping the cruiser at a cost of $21, 881.85 and Mr. Kammer seconded.  Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes. Five yes votes.  Motion carried.


Margaret Cotton reported that the Second Annual Navarre Christmas in Bethlehem, tree lighting festivities will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2024. She provided the agenda of the festivities.  The village businesses (now called NABA – Navarre Area Business Association) have been meeting to plan this and they have decided to have the festivities all day on Saturday, instead of Friday night and Saturday.  The association is asking the village to help with the expense of a Santa coming to the festivities at a cost of $100.00 and $250.00 for the cost of the band that will be playing (Cross Breeze Entertainment).

Ms. Lehman made a motion to donate $350.00 to help with the cost of the festivities and Mr. Smith seconded.  Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Caldwell yes, Lehman yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Mr. Ron Kerby thanked council for truck traffic getting better on Market Street.  He said that it is getting worse again because of the closure of Fohl Road.  He wanted to know who put the signs up.  Mr. Dibell said he will try to talk to the contractor about the sign placement.  Chief Shetler asked if the village would be legally allowed to put an overhead sign across the road to not allow trucks to travel on Market Street.  Mr. Seeberger responded by saying that he doesn’t know the answer to that question but he also said that Market Street may be part of a county road so we may have to talk to the County Engineer about whether we could put overhead signs on Market Street.


Ms. Kim Meek-Obed reported that the Natureworks grant reimbursement was submitted last week.  She also reported that she has made some contacts with a few people to get some things resolved regarding reports that different agencies need for 2021 & 2022.


Mr. Seeberger presented Resolution 2024-26, a resolution accepting amounts and rates and authorizing necessary tax levies and certifying to the county auditor. This is required by the County Auditor.

Mr. Smith made a motion to pass Resolution 2024-26 and Mr. Kammer seconded. Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes. Five yes votes. Resolution passed.

Mr. Seeberger presented Resolution 2024-27, a resolution authorizing partial reimbursement of TIF funds to the Stark Board of Trade.

Mr. Smith made a motion to reimburse Stark Board of Trade for $44,864.42and Ms. Lehman seconded. Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Lehman yes, Caldwell yes, Smith yes.  Five yes votes.  Resolution passed.

Mr. Seeberger presented Resolution 2024-28, a resolution authorizing a water rate study to be performed by RCAP to determine if we need to increase our water rates.

Mr. Smith made a motion to approved Resolution 2024-28, authorizing RCAP to perform a water rate study and Ms. Lehman seconded.  Caldwell yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Lehman yes. Five yes votes. Resolution passed.

Mr. Seeberger presented Ordinance 14-2024, an ordinance to enact new codified regulation 30.09, requiring all contracts for goods and services in the name of the village exceeding $10,000.00 in value or binding the Village of Navarre for a term of more than one year are effective IF 1) Village Council passes a resolution authorizing such contract AND 2) the contract is executed by the Village Administrator or Mayor for a first reading.

Mr. Smith made a motion to have first reading of Ordinance 14-2024 and Ms. Lehman seconded. Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes.  This is first reading.

Mr. Seeberger reported that he assisted Ms. Meek-Obed in submitting the first reimbursement request to ODOD for the Fohl-Sterilite project and will be submitting the second to the ODOD and will soon be submitting requests to ODOT when we have paid more on the project.

 Mr. Seeberger reported that he expects to see the lot split request for the Main Street Deli property soon for approval.

 Mr. Seeberger reported that he forwarded to Stark Board of Trade the invoices for the playground equipment to request the reimbursement for that.


Mr. Dibell reported that the curb was repainted in front of the Real Deals store and corrected the signage so that there is only one sign for the no parking.


Mayor Justin Cline reported that the toilet in the lady’s restroom was cracked over the weekend and was leaking water everywhere and he got a phone call from the cleaning lady. He stated that Balke came in over the weekend and shut the water off and got the toilet replaced earlier today. Reminded everyone that Trick-of-Treat is Thursday, October 31st from 5:30 – 7:00.  Reported that there is a wind phone dedication on Thursday, October 24th at 6:00 pm.


Mr. Kammer reminded of the next Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:30 pm.

Ms. Caldwell reported that she got a text from Ms. Carl that she wanted to ask Kim if she could print about 150 certificates that they are going to need for trick-or-treat.  Kim said she can do that.  Ms. Carl also wanted to know if council could help with funding of full-size candy bars.  There was some discussion about this and at the end of the discussion, resident Ms. Chauni Skirtich stated that she would purchase candy bars and donate them.

Mr. Rouse told Chief Shetler that there is a problem with parking in the loading zone at Nickles Bakery.  He also reported that there will be a pet adoption day May 10, 2025 @ the YMCA and he will have more details in the future.

Ms. Lehman reported that we had a Finance Committee meeting last week.  She would like to have a quick executive session after we are done with other business to talk about some of the things that were discussed at the meeting.  Also, Blake is meeting with Stark Parks on Friday, November 1st to talk about the agreement they have at Craig Pittman Park with the canoe livery.  The next NABA meeting is October 29th at 6:30 pm at Living Grace Church.

Mr. Smith reported on the Finance Committee meeting, he pointed out that the committee decided to move forward with the Water Rate Study.  The committee also decided to hold off on the CDBG grant application to wait and see if we can get any other financing.  We are holding off on the new pay ordinance until a little later in the year.  The committee talked about moving forward with equipping the new police cruiser. Mr. Smith reported that he received an email from surveyors from Lewis Land Professionals that he has incurred some costs related to the Kirby annexation on Blough Road.  They are asking the village to pay the surveying service cost for that.  The invoice is just under $600.00.

Mr. Smith made a motion to pay the $594.00 invoice from Lew Land Professionals and Mr. Kammer seconded.  Smith yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion passed.


Ms. Lehman made a motion to go into executive session to confer with the attorney imminent court action and Mr. Smith seconded.  Kammer yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes.  Five yes votes.  Into executive session at 8:15 pm.

Ms. Lehman made a motion to return from executive session and Mr. Smith seconded.  Lehman yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes.  Five yes votes.  Returned form executive session at 8:35 pm.

Ms. Lehman made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims and Mr. Kammer seconded. Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Kammer yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion passed.

Ms. Lehman made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Kammer seconded. Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.

______________________________                        __________________________   

Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer                             Justin G. Cline, Mayor

Trick-or-Treat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . Thursday, October 31, 2024, 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Next Council Meeting. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday, November 4, 2024 @ 7:00pm

Next Finance Committee Meeting . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 6:30pm