Session 2, January 22, 2024

Mayor Justin Cline called the 2nd Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, January 22, 2024.  Mayor Cline began the meeting buy asking Councilman Josh Smith to say a prayer, then lead attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.  This public meeting is being recorded.  Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Joe Kammer, Daniel Rouse, President Pro Temp Molly Lehman and Joshua Smith.  Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Police Chief Chad Shetler, Erie Valley Fire Chief Rick Annen, residents Chauni Skirtich and Abigail Caldwell and her family. 

 Motion by Mr. Smith and second by Ms. Lehman to appoint Abigail Caldwell to the vacant council seat previously held by Mayor Justin Cline. Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes and Lehman yes.  Five yes votes. Motion passed.  Abigail Caldwell is now a council member.

 Solicitor Terry Seeberger swore Ms. Caldwell into the office of council person.

 Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2024 meeting and Ms. Lehman seconded. Carl yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Caldwell abstain. Five yes votes.  Motion carried.  Minutes approved.


 No public participation.


 Chief Chad Shetler reported that he gave out the December month-end reports and the 2023 year-end reports.  He went over some points of interest on the reports.

Chief Shetler reported to council that we have received the cruiser from Brewster and that he has given the title to the Fiscal Officer.  He will send the information to her to send the invoice for $1,500.00 to Brewster for the equipment that they received in the deal.

Chief Shetler reported that the Perry Twp. Police Chief contacted him and needs to know if we are going to purchase the SRU because he has other agencies wanting to purchase it.  Chief Shetler talked about some other equipment that we should be able to sell to help offset the cost of the SRU.  There was some discussion regarding the SRU.

Chief Shetler talked about the fingerprinting that is done by the police department and the amount that we charge for that fingerprinting.  He is suggesting that we increase the price, because we are one of few agencies in the area that do ink fingerprint cards.

Chief gave out some reports that he has gotten from the speed signs and discussed the different types of reports that he can get from those speed signs.

 Mr. Smith made a motion to raise the fingerprinting fees from $5.00 to $40.00 for non-Navarre residents (Navarre residents are not typically charged).  Mr. Kammer seconded.  Lehman yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Rouse yes, Kammer yes.  Six yes votes.  Motion passed.

 There was some additional conversation regarding the SRU.

 Mr. Smith made a motion to proceed with the purchase of the SRU from Perry Twp. Police Department at a cost of $7,500.00.  Mr. Rouse seconded. Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman no, Rouse yes.  Five yes votes.  Motion approved.

Erie Valley Fire Chief Rick Annen presented the fire department year end report to council.  He stated that this was the 8th year of existence for the joint fire department and that they had 600 runs in the first year and in 2023 they had 1203 runs.  He touched on some of the things that have been purchased and that there are a lot of things that they are working on for the new year.  They have purchased new equipment and in 2024 they are planning a lot of training.


 Fiscal Officer reported that she sent the State Auditor’s numbers to the software company to put into the system.  She also stated that she is working on W-2’s and has given council members their W-2’s tonight and the W-2’s for the employees will be given out sometime this week.  She reported that she is working on year-end things and beginning of year things and still working on getting things figured out.


 Resolution 2023-41 is a renumbering of 2023-38 that we had passed at a December meeting but we had previously passed a 2023-38 for something else so this is just a renumbering of the second 2023-38 to now be 2023-41.  Mr. Seeberger stated that council doesn’t need to take action but it needs to be reflected in the minutes.

 Resolution 2023-39A is an amendment of Resolution 2023-39 for the transactions by the police department to receive a cruiser and $1,500.00 from the Village of Brewster in exchange for 2 radios and a watchguard camera system.  Ms. Lehman made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-39A and Ms. Carl seconded.  Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes. Six yes votes.  Resolution approved.

 Resolution 2024-1 is a resolution declaring and authorizing the sale of municipally owned personal property.  Mr. Smith made a motion to approve this resolution.  Ms. Lehman asked if it needs to be an emergency.  Mr. Seeberger stated that it doesn’t need to be emergency, so this can be the second reading of Resolution 2024-1.

 Ms. Lehman made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-2 as an emergency, a resolution approving the Natureworks Local Assistance Grant Agreement for the walking path. Mr. Smith seconded. Carl yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes.  Six yes votes.  Resolution passed.


 Mr. Seeberger talked about a municipal law seminar being put on by the Stark County Prosecutor’s office on March 2nd.  Info about registering will be provided in the near future.

 Regarding the walking track, the bid we have from Vasco is 6 months old.  The administrator can “shop around” if he wants to but Vasco should be contacted to make sure the original bid is still an accurate price.

 Mr. Seeberger stated that he is working with Stark County and Mr. Dehoff to get the engineer to get the plans and specs completed.  He is hoping that we can resolve to bid this project out sometime in February because the Dept of Development funds are good till the end of 2024, so we need to get moving on it soon.


 Mayor Cline said that he needs to appoint a council member to the Navarre-Bethlehem Park Board.  He stated that he has been on that Board as a council member since he started here on council and Mayor Benson had also been on the board so there is an opening.  He explained what the Park Board does and asked if anyone wants to volunteer to be on that Board.  Ms. Carl said she would do that.  Mayor Cline told her the first meeting is this Thursday at 6:00 p.m. at the Bethlehem Twp. Building.


 Mr. Wisselgren reported that on January 9th the traffic signal at Wooster and Main blew off.  He contacted Thompson Electric to put it back up and when they did, they found that the controller wires were bad.  They provided a quote of $3,800.00 to fix it.

 Mr. Wisselgren reported that we are in a co-op with the county for salt for winter.  We got an email from the county that they aren’t doing it anymore and they are joining a different co-op, which is actually bigger.  We have a couple months to opt in or opt out.  Being in the co-op makes sure that we get the salt we need and at the best price.

 He reported that the kiosk by the water department is supposed to get moved this week.

 He reported that he found out that Ohio Tech Works does do websites and forwarded the info to Ms. Lehman.


 Ms. Carl asked where we could have a community garden.  It was discussed to have it along the canal lands that the village owns.  She also asked about a fence of some type for around the garden area to keep animals out.

 Mr. Kammer asked Mr. Wisselgren if we could get the tree in front of Rise Up Café taken down before spring. 

 Ms. Lehman said there will be a Business & Zoning Committee meeting right after this council meeting.  We are going to discuss the Ordinance about marijuana and bring our findings to the next meeting.  She reported that the OSU zoning class that started a couple weeks ago is pretty interesting and she will have any information if anyone would like to see it.  She reported there is a VONBA meeting this Thursday the 25th @ 6:00 pm at Rise Up Café.  She would like to get the next Coffee with Council set up for April 20th at Kremeland from 9:00 – 11:00 am.  The historical society wants to keep moving with a joint part-time position with the township and the village.

 Mr. Smith reminded that there is a Finance Committee on February 12th @ 6:30 pm.  We have council of the whole meeting on Monday the 5th after the council meeting of that night so that we can finalize committee assignments.  The Safety committee needs to meet to address the Kirby property.  Mr. Smith mentioned that the new signs at Navarre-Bethlehem Park look amazing and he would like the Parks Committee to look into getting new signs at the village parks and new Welcome to Navarre signs as well.


 Mr. Kammer made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims.  Ms. Carl seconded.  Smith yes, Rouse yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes, Caldwell yes.  Six yes votes.  Motion passed.

 Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Carl seconded.   Lehman yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes.   Six yes votes.   Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

______________________________                        __________________________   

Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer                             Justin G. Cline, Mayor