Session 6, March 18, 2024
Mayor Justin Cline called the 6th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, March 18, 2024. Mayor Cline began the meeting by asking Councilman Josh Smith to say a prayer, then lead attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Carla Carl, Joe Kammer, Abigail Caldwell, Daniel Rouse, Joshua Smith, and Molly Lehman. Also attending the meeting were Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Interim Village Administrator Blake Dibell, Zoning Inspector Michael Turner, residents Melissa Meek and Johnathan Karahuta and Chauni Skirtich. Mr. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the 5th session of council held on March 4, 2024 and Mr. Kammer seconded. Carl yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Melissa Meek, a representative of the Navarre Garden Club, stated that the Garden Club recently received money from a deceased member to restore the fountain. They would like to know if anyone with the village knows of anyone that they can contact to get the fountain restored. The Garden Club is also doing a pilot project called “Foodscaping”, which is planting edible plants to make things look nice as well as being useful. Margaret Cotton had said the village was interested in a community garden but the Garden Club isn’t able to do that at this time but we are going to do this pilot program and donate food to the food bank. The Garden Club is also planning to do classes this year to teach the community to do things. They are planning to do classes during the community garage sale. The also have seeds that they have purchased and would like to give them away to people who are willing to donate some of the food to the food bank. Johnathan Karahuta would like to find out if he could purchase a small piece of ground near his house that he would like to concrete this piece of property if he is able to purchase it. The piece of property is 12 ft x 54 ft. Terry Seeberger stated that if council wants to sell it to him, it would need to be surveyed. Council looked at the map that he brought and discussed it and said that he could continue to use it if he was going to leave it as gravel. Council agreed to talk about it further and will get back to him. FINANCE Fiscal Officer Kim Meek-Obed presented a thank you note that was received from the Tusky Valley Foundation for the donation we made for the victims of the bus crash. She reported that the Finance Committee met on the 11th to go over some things and she will distribute the reports to committee members when she gets them completed. She reported that she is working with the software company to get the Financial Reports prepared because they had helped file an extension with the state and with the extension the reports are due to the state by April 1st. Kim stated that she did payroll today but since payday is normally on Tuesday the checks are dated tomorrow but she will not be here tomorrow. She offered to council members and solicitor that they could have their checks direct deposited. She is working on getting a link put on the website to pay utility bills on-line. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 3-2024 Enacting New Section 30.08 to Village Municipal Regulations presented for second reading. Ordinance 5-2024 Enacting New Village Municipal Regulation 76.11, Limiting Parking on Canal Street West presented for second reading. Motion by Mr. Smith to Approve Resolution 2024-7, A Resolution Authorizing Third of Ten Annual Tax Compensation Payments to Perry Local School District Related to Tax Abatements Granted to Hendrickson, USA, LLC to pass without three readings. Second by Ms. Carl. Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes. Six yes votes. Resolution passed. SOLICITOR Mr. Seeberger reported that he is waiting to hear from Fairless and Perry Local School Districts about how they propose to split the of tax payments from Tractor Supply. Mr. Seeberger reported that he found out recently that the Ohio Department of Development wants reports of compliance with TIF agreements. Village council is the reporting agency for the Hendrickson and Tractor Supply TIF. He has prepared the report to DOD for 2022-2023 and needs council to accept this report. Motion by Mr. Smith to accept the report to DOD on the TIF for 2022-2023 for Hendrickson and TSC. Second by Ms. Lehman. Rouse yes, Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes. Six yes votes. Report approved. Mr. Seeberger recommended that council approves a fee sharing agreement to pay the legal fees for the Fohl Sterilite turn lane. The project will be advertised in the next couple weeks, with the pre-bid meeting on April 15th and the bid opening on April 22nd. Motion by Mr. Smith to approve the fee sharing payment of $2,500.00 for the legal fees for this project to be paid out of street fund. Second by Mr. Kammer. Caldwell yes, Kammer yes, Carl yes, Smith yes, Lehman yes, Rouse yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. MAYOR Mayor Cline stated that he received in the mail from the Arbor Society that Navarre has been named Tree City USA. Mayor Cline mentioned that he has been getting emails about the Memorial Day parade. He stated that he has ran that for the last two years and he would like someone else on council to take that over. Joe Kammer and Abigail Caldwell said they will work on it together. ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Dibell reported that he got a quote back from Evangeline Specialties and that they gave a municipality and quantity discount, so it is $4,049.79, which is about $400 less than I reported last meeting. He just needs to know whether to move forward with ordering the flags. Motion by Mr. Smith to move forward with the purchase of the flags to be paid from the capital account. Ms. Lehman seconded. Kammer yes, Caldwell yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes, Carl yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Dibell reported that he called six different places and only one place makes the dirt that the baseball organization specifically asked for. If we (the village) haul it, it is $87/yard. If we have it delivered there is a delivery charge of $128.99 per load. Delivered it will be $824.99 per field. Another option is from Oster’s in Massillon, from their run-off they have flume sand, which is $7.00/ton (a ton is approximately .62 yard). Mr. Dibell is waiting to hear back from the owner but they may donate some of the sand. Council agreed to move forward with getting it from Oster’s, even if they don’t donate any as the price was cheaper. MISCELLANEOUS Ms. Carl reported that she called the Garden Club to see if there was anyone that was willing to volunteer to help with the community garden. Ms. Carl is planning on having a meeting on the 3rd or 4th of April and would like to know if any council members would like to help with the project. Mr. Kammer reported that Meridith Blackwood told him there is a lot of sitting water that isn’t going down the drain over on Main Street by Merchants on Main. Mr. Dibell will look into that. Mr. Rouse asked if we know who owns the parking lot behind the Nickles hiring building. Mr. Smith looked it up on-line and found that it is owned by the same people that own the Breakaway. He said that someone told him it has a lot of potholes. Mr. Rouse also mentioned that he has been thinking about doing a pet adoption day in the village, possibly in September. All of council agreed that it is a good idea. Ms. Lehman reminded of Coffee with Council on April 20th 9:00-11:00 at Kremeland. Mr. Smith reported that the Finance Committee met on March 11th. Street Committee met right before this meeting to go over the street project for 2024. There is a pre-construction meeting on Thursday with the contractor. He also reported that we are looking at what we may want to do for the 2025 street paving project. There is a Council of the Whole session right after this meeting. He reported that he did some research about the energy aggregate and we are going to need to do something for 2025. Ms. Carl also reminded there is an Easter Egg hunt at Navarre-Bethlehem Park on March 30th at 1:00 pm. The rabbit will be there at noon. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Smith made a motion to pay the Bills & Claims. Ms. Lehman seconded. Smith yes, Carl yes, Kammer yes, Caldwell yes Rouse yes, Lehman yes. Six yes votes. Motion passed. Mr. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Kammer seconded. Kammer yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Caldwell yes, Carl yes, Lehman yes. Six yes votes. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm. ______________________________ __________________________ Kim L. Meek-Obed, Fiscal Officer Justin G. Cline, Mayor Easter Egg Hunt at Navarre-Beth Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 30 1:00 pm Council Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 1 @7:00pm Coffee with Council at Kremeland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 20th 9:00-11:00am Solar Eclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 8th 1:00-3:00 pm |