Session 15, August 15, 2022
Mayor Robert Benson called the 15th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, August 15, 2022. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Joseph Kammer, Justin Cline, Molly Lehman and Josh Smith. Abby Gallion attended via Zoom. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger.

Mr. Cline motioned to approve the minutes of the 14th Regular Session of Council held on August 1, 2022. Mr. Kammer seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Minutes approved.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register and the bills and claims. The monthly police report was distributed to Council along with the minutes from the Council of the Whole Meeting held August 1, 2022.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger said Ordinance 19-2022 applies to repeat offenders of the property maintenance code with a ten-day notice. Mr. Neely will be at the next Council Meeting to discuss the property on Ohio Street, as it may be time for Council to declare it to be a nuisance and authorize court action. Attorney Terry Seeberger also said the Studer/Kirby annexation agreement needed to have the sewer line from the Sewer Plant to have the apartments. Mr. Smith motioned to have the solicitor prepare an agreement for the annexation and sewer line. Mr. Kammer seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Lehman abstained. Four yes votes. Motion carried.

Attorney Terry Seeberger advised he is working on the cost, financing and time-line for the Waste Water Plant expansion. He spoke with the County Sanitary Engineer James Troike and our Engineer Don Dummermuth. The County wants us to finance the project and give us payments every six months. Attorney Seeberger advised he will prepare a written agreement for Council’s approval. The County also suggested purchasing the Sewer Plant. He also advised that Administrator Zachary Wisselgren would like flow meters included in the project.

Ordinance 18-2022, an ordinance amending sec. 112.01 and repealing sec 112.02-112.06 regarding door-to-door solicitation was given a second reading by title only.

Ordinance 19-2022, an ordinance enacting new section 10.20 regulation regarding repeat violations of maintenance regulation. Mr. Smith moved to accept Ordinance 19-2022. Mr. Cline seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. The first reading was given.

Mayor Robert Benson welcomed Councilmember Molly Lehman. He stated the next meeting will fall on Labor Day and questioned if Council would want to cancel said meeting. He also questioned holding a Special Meeting on August 29, 2022?

Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren reported that work will be done on the Storm Sewer on Tuscarawas Street. He also advised the resident on Maple Street with the porta-jons has tapped on to the sewer.

Ms. Gallion reported she is planning to attend the County Community Development Grant Application Workshop on August 26, 2022.

Mr. Cline said he is receiving complaints about dirt bikes in town. Mr. Cline also stated that the Bethlehem Township Parks Department would like to the work to make the bridge in the park safety compliant. Mr. Cline motioned to approve same. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried. Mr. Cline reported that Bethlehem Township Parks Department discussed raising rates for pavilion rentals. Council decided to keep the open pavilion rental at $35.00 but may increase the closed pavilion rental to $125.00 with a $25.00 refund with the key return. He also thanked everyone who helped with the mulch work.

Mr. Smith distributed the updated committee assignments. He reported the Street Committee met this evening and determined the Canal Street Project will be re-bid in November for 2023. The paving plan includes Canal Street, Ryan Ridge, Sarah Circle, Poth Court, the East side of Fourth Street and possibly Tuscarawas and Wooster Streets. The No Truck Traffic signs will soon be posted in the Village.

Mr. Smith moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $36,436.58. Mr. Kammer seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Kammer seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Lehman yes, Smith yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned.

______________________________ __________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor

September 19………………………………….Council of the Whole Meeting 6:15 pm
September 19……………………..…....……….……............Council Meeting 7:00 pm