Session 3, February 7, 2022
Mayor Robert Benson called the 3nd Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, February 7, 2022. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. This public meeting is being recorded. Members answering roll call were Abby Gallion, Joseph Kammer, Justin Cline, Daniel Rouse, Derek Netzly and Josh Smith. Also attending the meeting were Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger and residents Robert Ludwig and Laurie Graening.
Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 2nd Regular Session of Council held on January 17, 2022. Mr. Cline seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Rouse abstained. Five yes votes. Minutes approved. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Laurie Graening said Cliftwood Street was only plowed down the middle of the road. She said the mailman has to get out of his vehicle to deliver the mail. She said two vehicles can’t get down the road at the same time. Mayor Benson assured her he would talk with the Street Department regarding same. SAFETY POLICE The January monthly report was distributed to Council. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of the January financial statements, today’s check register and the bills and claims. ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 1-2022, an ordinance enacting section 34.22 authorizing inspection of under-speed vehicles by the Navarre Police Department, was given a third and final reading. Mr. Netzly offered, Mr. Kammer seconded Ordinance 1-2022 be placed in final passage. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Ordinance 1-2022 declared duly adopted. Ordinance 2-2022, an ordinance regulating under speed vehicles per sections 75.27 through 75.31enacting section 34.22, was given a third and final reading. Mr. Cline offered, Ms. Gallion seconded Ordinance 2-2022 be placed in final passage. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Ordinance 2-2022 declared duly adopted. Ordinance 5-2022, an ordinance of Permanent Appropriations, to be passed as an emergency. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Ordinance 5-2022 and declared same to be an emergency. Ms. Gallion seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Ordinance accepted. Ordinance 5-2022, Mr. Netzly moved, Mr. Cline seconded rules requiring three separate readings of Ordinance 5-2022 be suspended. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Rules requiring three separate readings suspended. Ordinance 5-2022, Mr. Smith moved, Mr. Cline seconded Ordinance 5-2022 be placed in final passage. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Ordinance 5-2022 duly adopted. Resolution 2022-1, a resolution to join Bethlehem Township in applying for an upgrade grant for Navarre-Bethlehem Park. Mr. Smith offered and moved to accept Resolution 2022-1. Mr. Netzly seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2022-1 accepted. Resolution 2022-2, a resolution authorizing payments to Perry Local School District related to Hendrickson tax abatements. Mr. Smith offered and moved to accept Resolution 2022-1. Ms. Gallion seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2022-2 accepted. Resolution 2022-3, a resolution authoring agreement with city of Massillon Law Director. Mr. Netzly offered and moved to accept Resolution 2022-3. Mr. Smith seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2022-3 accepted. MAYOR Mayor Robert Benson reported the Navarre Police Department received Gold Level recognition for 2021 from Lexipol Connection Customer Recognition Program. Mayor Benson said Fairless High School has requested a donation for their Mother’s Day 5k Walk/Run. Mr. Netzly motioned to donate $250.00 to the event. Ms. Gallion seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. Mayor Benson expressed the need for a Planning Commission Meeting to address a lot split request and the Mid’s Expansion Project. Mr. Netzly motioned, Mr. Cline seconded to appoint Ms. Gallion Council Representative on the Planning Commission, replacing Ms. Winkhart. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATOR Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren stated he will talk with the Street Department about clearing the snow around mailboxes. Mr. Wisselgren advised Stark County Soil has spoken with the developers at Prospect Park about water coming onto the roadway. He reported there was a water leak last week at Sprankle and Bonsel. He stated the County engineer would like our engineer to make sure our permit from the EPA will not have stringent effluent qualities for the Sewer Plant Expansion. Mr. Wisselgren is trying to collect good numbers from the flowmeter to determine the Village numbers verse the County numbers for the expansion. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Cline stated there will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the Navarre-Bethlehem Park on April 16, 2022 at 1:00 pm and the Navarre-Bethlehem Golf Scramble on October 9, 2022. He also mentioned that Bethlehem Township Trustee Jim Urbach would like to meet with Mr. Wisselgren and Mr. Cline to review things at Navarre-Bethlehem Park. Lastly, Mr. Cline mentioned the annual Garage Sale Days are set for May 12-14. Mr. Smith reminded of the meeting with Attorney Terry Seeberger on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 8:30 am to discuss zoning and land use development. With President’s Day being February 21, 2022, Mr. Smith stated the next Council Meeting will be rescheduled for February 28, 2022. Mr. Netzly said the Finance Committee met prior to the Council Meeting and advised we are working on a new pay ordinance. He said the part-time patrolman pay will be increased to $20.85 per hour. After completion of training, they will be required to sign a one-year contract or reimburse the $6000.00 cost for training. The Finance Committee also looked at 5% pay increases for employees this year, and 3% next year. Mr. Netzly motioned; Mr. Smith seconded to have Attorney Terry Seeberger prepare an ordinance to give all full-time employees a $2000.00 stipend using the American Rescue Plan Act Funds. Mr. Netzly requested a Finance Committee Meeting for February 28, 2022 at 6:30 pm. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $157,277.47. Mr. Kammer seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. Six yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Mr. Netzly moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Gallion seconded. Gallion yes, Kammer yes, Cline yes, Rouse yes, Smith yes, Netzly yes. S yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ______________________________ __________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS February 28...….…………..………….…………Finance Committee Meeting 6:30 pm February 28…..….….…………………….…………..……...Council Meeting 7:00 pm |