Session 14, July 16, 2018
Mayor Robert Benson called the 14th Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, July 16, 2018. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Derek Netzly, Daniel Rouse, Robin Keith, Don Berkey and Pat Winkhart. Randy Hattery was excused from the meeting. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Navarre Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Village Administrator Zachary Wisselgren, Village Zoning Inspector Jim Neely, Independent Reporter Arezov Vakili, residents Jeannie Swafford and Ruth Moore.

Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 13th Regular Session of Council held on July 2, 2018. Ms. Keith seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Minutes approved.

Resident Ruth Moore stated she is opposed to having Kimble as an exclusive trash carrier. In addition, she is opposed to Jessica Bender running an unlicensed day care on Plainmont Street. Deed restrictions prohibit any businesses in that allotment. The Zoning Inspector sent her a cease and desist order at the end of May, for running a business on a residential property. She has not applied for a variance.

Ruth Moore complained that Union Lawn Cemetery looks bad, with clumps of grass everywhere on the North end.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of today’s check register, and the bills and claims.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson shared with council the Selective insurance renewal. Mr. Berkey motioned to accept insurance renewal proposal. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson reported that auditors are here.

Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger updated council on the fire districts plan for expansion, Resolution 2018-6 on an unimproved alley.

The Property Maintenance Committee would like future zoning application certificates to be issued at a charge of $25.00. Also, people are ducting from signing for certified mail. Ordinary mail will be considered completion of service.

Attorney Terry Seeberger requested an executive session to discuss eminent litigation with the Mayor, Administrator and Zoning Inspector. Ms. Winkhart motioned to go into executive session, Mr. Netzly seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse, yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried at 7:30 pm.

7:48 pm Ms. Winkhart motioned to end executive session. Ms. Keith seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Executive session ended.

Ms. Keith motioned to direct the Police Chief and Village Prosecutor to commence action of the Property Maintenance Code against the owner of 47 Canal Street West for non-compliance complaints. Mr. Berkey seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Resolution 2018-6, a resolution authorizing beginning of construction of a rescue vehicle station/office structure on Navarre Unimproved alley. Mr. Netzly moved, Ms. Winkhart seconded to accept Resolution 2018-6. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Resolution 2018-6 accepted.

Ordinance 10-2018, an ordinance regulating itinerant retailer and creating Municipal Regulations 112.14, 112.15 and 112.16 was given a third and final reading as revised. Ms. Winkhart offered, Ms. Keith seconded Ordinance 10-2018 be placed in final passage. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Ordinance 10-2018 duly adopted.

The yard waste pit at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is open Monday – Friday from 7:30am to 3pm and weekends and holidays from 8:30 am to 11am.

New risers were received for the fire station and two catch basins were repaired.

Several trees were trimmed in Bethlehem Park for Battle of the Bats.

The next street sweeping is scheduled for July 25, 2018.

Two water leaks were repaired last week on Market Street.

The leak at the water tower is going to be fixed on Wednesday.

Water meters are being read this week.

Update on the Water Treatment Plant: working on finishing the project, well work, painting and grass planting.

Mosquito spraying is this Wednesday, July 18, 2018.

Terms were agreed upon for the Road Maintenance Agreement with the Stark County Engineer.

Ms. Keith reported she spoke with Reliable Heating and Cooling about repairing the A/C at Village Hall and then signing a maintenance agreement. Mr. Berkey motioned to approve the repair of A/C at Village Hall. Mr. Netzly seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Ms. Winkhart motioned to accept a maintenance agreement for Village Hall. Ms. Keith seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Motion carried.

Ms. Keith reported she is still looking into the A/C at the Civic Center, as it is a 30 year old unit.

Ms. Keith moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $32,453.92. Mr. Netzly seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Bills and claims approved.

Mr. Berkey moved. Mr. Netzly seconded to adjourn the meeting. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Five yes votes. Meeting adjourned.

____________________________ ____________________________
Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor

July 18 ...............………………………………...................Zoning Hearing at 7:00 pm
August 6 .............………………………………………......Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
August 1 ...............……………………………………….......Zoning Hearing at 7:00 pm