Session 2, January 22, 2018
Mayor Robert Benson called the 2nd Regular Session of Council to order on Monday, January 22, 2018. Regular Session was moved from January 15th to the 22nd due to the holiday. Utility Committee met at 6:30 pm, prior to the council meeting. Mayor Benson began the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answering roll call were Derek Netzly, Daniel Rouse, Robin Keith, Randy Hattery, Don Berkey and Pat Winkhart. Also attending the meeting were Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson, Village Administrator Jeff Seward, Village Solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger, Erie Valley Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Annen, Heather Hickey of Erie Valley Fire and Rescue and EMS Officer Alex Menges. Mr. Netzly moved to approve the minutes of the 1st Regular Session of Council held on January 8, 2018. Ms. Winkhart seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Hattery yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Minutes approved. SAFETY FIRE Erie Valley Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Annen distributed the 2017 yearly report to council. Chief Rick Annen reported that 2017 was a record year for runs. Chief Rick Annen advised the station is now manned sixteen hours a day, seven days a week. Chief Rick Annen reported an Active Fire Prevention Program is ongoing with local businesses. Chief Rick Annen stated there are currently thirty personnel on the staff. Chief Rick Annen advised that Alex Menges is the EMS Coordinator and that he works on grants for the fire department’s needs and he sends the department’s compliance reports to the State of Ohio. Chief Rick Annen stated that the pending close of Affinity Hospital has him hopeful for a free standing E/R at that location. He expressed concern about the extra load on the other hospitals. FINANCE Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson gave council a copy of Council Rules for review. Clerk-Treasurer Anne Johnson distributed a copy of the December financial statements and a copy of today’s check register. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 18-2017, an ordinance formalizing the Navarre-Bethlehem Community Park Board and Navarre Park Board was tabled on the third reading on January 8, 2018. Resolution 2018-1, a resolution authorizing the Navarre-Bethlehem Township Nature Works Grant matching fund. Ms. Winkhart moved, Ms. Keith seconded to accept Resolution 2018-1. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Hattery yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Resolution 2018-1 accepted. SOLICITOR Village solicitor Attorney Terry Seeberger shared some old articles about the Village with council. Mayor Benson reported that Terry Seeberger was our special council when we were going thru annexation hearings and that he wrote the JEDD Agreement MAYOR Mayor Benson reported Crime Watch Coffee with a cop will be held at Anderson’s on February 6th at 6:00 pm. Mayor Benson asked if anyone wants to replace Gary Wilson on the Stark County RPC Tax Incentive Review Council. Ms. Winkhart agreed to replace Gary Wilson on the Tax Incentive Review Council. STREETS AND ALLEYS The yard waste pit at the Waste Water Treatment Plant is open Monday – Friday from 7:30am to 3pm and weekends and holidays from 8:30 am to 11am. Yard waste, limbs and bushes should be taken to the dumpster at the Waste Water Treatment Plant until brush pick-up resumes in April 2018. Ice and debris was cleaned off of catch basins prior to the thaw. Christmas tree pick-up has concluded. UTILITIES The seal on Rotor #3 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant was repaired. Results of the 2017 phosphorus study at the Waste Water Treatment Plant were emailed to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Work is needed on the automatic pump controls and over flow at the Water Treatment Plant. Water Plant Expansion Project: Work continues at the Water Treatment Plant site. The work at the tower site will be finished when the additions at the Water Treatment Plant are ready to switch over. The water will be treated and stored when work at the Water Treatment Plant is done. Utilities Committee Recap: Village Administrator Jeff Seward explained what we are looking to do and the options to get it done. MISCELLANEOUS The monthly department head meeting with the mayor was rescheduled for Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 9:30 am. The annual PERRP report for the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation has been completed and turned in. The 2018 street sweeping proposal hasn’t been received yet. Mayor Benson offered condolences to Derek Netzly and his family for the loss of his brother. Mr. Hattery reported he has received complaints about the pot hole on Main Street that the gas company is responsible for. Ms. Winkhart said everyone should take the time to read the Stark Community Foundation Report and she advised the meeting for elected officials will take place February 20, 2018 at the Massillon Recreation Center. Mayor Benson congratulated Ms. Winkhart on her re-election as President Pro Temp. Attorney Terry Seeberger reported that we are waiting on Bethlehem Township before we have the final reading on tabled Ordinance 18-2017. BILLS AND CLAIMS Mr. Netzly moved to approve bills and claims in the amount of $53,065.81. Mr. Hattery seconded. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Hattery yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Bills and claims approved. Mr. Berkey moved. Mr. Netzly seconded to adjourn the meeting. Netzly yes, Rouse yes, Keith yes, Hattery yes, Berkey yes, Winkhart yes. Six yes votes. Meeting adjourned. ____________________________ ____________________________ Anne L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Robert L. Benson, Mayor UPCOMING EVENTS February 5….…...……………………………...................... Council Meeting at 7:00 pm February 6….…...……………………………………….…Coffee with a cop at 6:00 pm